The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “What’s Happening, America?

It seems we are all looking through the big end of our “funnel.” Turn your “funnel” around and look through the small end. You see a lot more. What is the end result of an open border? It kills a country’s identity (among other things). No more patriotic citizens loyal to the U.S. flag. We have patriotic illegal immigrants loyal to the flag they grew up seeing, not the U.S. flag. This falls in line with creating a world order. You cannot rule the world unless you have chaos in the world, kill prosperity, kill national identity, create government dependance, dumb down populations, etc. That is what the objective is. We are to be serfs to their royalty. God help us. —California

Re: “GOP vs. IRS

The “Fair Tax” is sometimes defined as a flat sales tax: Everyone pays, say, a 5% tax on everything they buy. But that is not truly fair. It is a consumption tax. Those who are accumulating life possessions (housing, vehicles, and other non-consumables) will contribute more than those who already possess them. And the “Fair Tax” can be progressive. We should 1) exempt taxes on basic staples (food, hygiene, healthcare); alcohol and tobacco should still be taxed; 2) exempt a minimum amount for capital investments and life necessities (housing, transportation, education); and 3) increase taxes on luxury items, especially entertainment. —Missouri

Re: “Gaslighting America on Gas Stoves

With these storms hitting my state, I’ve been without power, and were it not for my gas stove I’d eat cold from cans and have no heated water. Newsom is a liar — this isn’t a free state. Wood stoves are outlawed here. —California

Do you realize that there is a product with over 40,000 accidental deaths a year?
 We must ban this immediately. 
But then we would have to walk everywhere. Everything in life has risks. People drown in swimming pools. We put warning labels on cigarettes. We didn’t ban them. We warned people
. So put big warning labels on our stoves and leave us alone. —Illinois

Re: “The National Faith League?

If we do not unite in prayer, then we can expect divine retribution. The secularism, hedonism, and other truly pagan and anti-religious beliefs exhibited in this country deny the fact that we not only have an individual physical and mental life but also a spiritual life, a soul. We are creatures of God, created in His image, and this nation was founded under God. Lest we forget: The line between civilization and barbarism is very fine and thin. We have witnessed this all too often during the past six years. —Massachusetts

Re: “A Big GOP Win on China

As stated in the article: “Committees aren’t laws. They aren’t even legislation. … After all’s been said and done in committee, there’s been a lot more said than done.” Therein lies the problem! After weeks or months of hearings, a congressional report is issued, much posturing and self-congratulation take place by all involved, but not one single concrete action takes place to resolve the problem. All the representatives involved claim virtuous victory, have great campaign soundbites, and move on to the next committee hearing. —California

Re: “Wednesday Short Cuts

Tony Perkins is correct about honest debate before bills are passed. The Democrats run a dictatorship wherein exulted leaders make policy and none of their foot soldiers, who march in lockstep, dare to speak out against it. The Republicans run a democracy wherein members are more apt to take time to question, argue, debate, and fight before finally reaching a consensus. The Republicans are doing it the way the Founding Fathers very wisely set it up. —Pennsylvania