The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Free Healthcare Is Getting More Expensive

A local healthcare system that owns three hospitals in my county lost $52 million last year. That is $1 million a week. Asked what the issue might be? “Illegals in the emergency room.” Keep it up, Brandon. Keep voting Democrat. The road to serfdom is pretty short. —Massachusetts

I wish that those who are pushing for universal healthcare would go to the UK and see what is really happening. My mother died a few years ago while she was on the waiting list for a pacemaker. More recently (January 26), my dad who is 89 slipped and fell on some black ice in his backyard; he landed on his hip and had some massive bruising. My sister, who goes down to check on him every other day, called his doctor to get his hip X-rayed just to be sure he had not broken it. “Sure,” the receptionist said. “Can he come in on February 17?” —Kansas

Re: “BREAKING: Hunter’s Laptop Is Hunter’s Laptop

I believe there is a time limit as to when property becomes abandoned. Hunter missed his limit after repeated attempts by Mr. Mac Isaac to contact him and he remained a no-show. Ergo, the laptop is now legally in the public domain. Good luck getting any prosecution of Hunter in Delaware, as the AG is a close family friend who thinks Joe is just a wonderful human being. I wonder how much money the Biden Crime Family put into her election campaign? Surely someone can track that down. —West Virginia

The Bidens should be glad Mr. Mac Isaac didn’t let someone like WikiLeaks take it. —Alabama

Re: “At War With China by 2025?

General Minihan’s prescient warning of conflict with China is not the cry in the wilderness the Biden administration and the MSM attempt to dismiss. It is a clarion call to be extremely vigilant of ChiCom machinations. The China sycophants in the Biden administration are predictably appeasing the ChiComs, stating that General Minihan’s assessment is not representative of the Biden administration’s view on China. Anyone believing the Chinese claim that the balloon is a civilian weather device accidentally drifting over the U.S. is a fool. It is a tool used to gauge the response to provocations and early warning systems. Meanwhile, the DOD concentrates training on sexual identity vs. military readiness. —California

Re: “Biden Handicaps His Green Dream Economy

Eighty percent of the rare earth minerals for car batteries come from China or from essentially slave labor mines in Africa utilizing children. Not to mention that they are an environmental disaster. So China is building coal-fired electric plants (1,140 so far, four times as many as any other country) and laughing at how we will be making it rich while we are becoming poorer as we destroy our own fossil fuel industry. And, oh yeah, we can watch in real time European economies collapsing after decades of their own Green New Deal policies. —Georgia

Re: “Oprah Parties Like It’s 1619

Why not, when speaking of reparations, start with those countries that had the greatest number of slaves? That would be many South American nations; Brazil, for one, which had more slaves than the U.S. Let’s see how these activists are greeted by the likes of Brazil and Venezuela. —Florida

Re: “This ‘Wellness Check’ Should Be Red-Flagged!

As an Alaskan who lives close to the high school where Mary Fulp is principal and part of that community, this is very troubling. I am glad “this won’t ever happen again,” but those responsible for this travesty need to be held accountable for their lack of verification, especially since everything was OK the first time. We are a small, mostly conservative town/community, and this is NOT acceptable! —Alaska

How can we get a court order for the Delaware State Troopers to pay a “wellness check” to Joe Biden? Joe has definitely exhibited daily mental problems including anger, outbursts of rage, exaggeration, false statements, and confusion. He is heavily armed with WMDs and the nuclear code and can summon F-15s at his command. He exhibits a danger to himself, his neighbors in Delaware, and the American people and is a threat to world peace. —Delaware

Re: “Vietnam: The Beginning of the End 50 Years Ago

Alexander notes: “Of Vietnam veterans, 91% said they were glad they served in the military, and 74% said at some level they enjoyed their time in the military. And 2 out of 3 said they would do it again.” Typical of an arrogant, lying leftmedia, they never talked to those of us who were actually doing something. They base their opinions on those of the illuminati — who’ve also never done anything but sit at home and analyze. —California

The Democrat Party is still run by many of those anti-military protestors. They have spawned a new generation that is equally anti-military but also anti-American. Those of us who flew and fought in Vietnam have the scars and pains to show for it, but I, and most of my squadron mates, would do it all over again. It is sad we have to put up with the Biden/Harris administration and its disastrous policies that are doing so much harm to our nation. —Texas

Re: “‘It’s Time for the Scientific Community to Admit…’

As to the scientific and medical establishments, they preyed upon the ignorance and agreeableness of the masses to force their will on everyone. That wasn’t a mistake; it was tyranny. And as to the masses who went along with it, ignored us, ostracized us, and censored us — spare me your melancholy and don’t bother with the remorse. —California