The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: Nashville’s Heroes

These men are heroes. Heroes place the needs and welfare of others above their own, often above the welfare of their families. As a combat veteran, I have seen this displayed many times. What we often fail to address is that there are these types of people around us everyday! They are the ones who only rise up when their heroism is needed. God bless the children, God bless the faculty, God bless their families (as they often suffer the most), and God bless all our first responders. I agree they were doing their jobs, but they were doing their jobs at great personal risk. From this old soldier to these young heroes, I say THANK YOU for protecting our most precious resources. You are what makes America great. WE SUPPORT YOU! —Tennessee

Thank you so much for publishing this article. We had seen the body cam videos and we are so proud of the men who did such a great job. Your article brought home how much we need to pray for the police families as well as the victims’ families. They all need God’s comfort and grace to keep doing this dangerous work in the aftermath of this tragedy. —Virginia

Re: Another Major Report on Our Military’s Unreadiness

Joe Biden’s leadership failures are many, but none greater than the blatant degradation of the nation’s military establishment. The sound recommendations of The Heritage Foundation to restore the priorities of our military’s warfighting mission and readiness must be implemented immediately to prevent further damage. Congress in its oversight responsibility must act in a bipartisan and timely manner to review and correct this troubling situation and hold those responsible accountable. Failure to do so places the self-defense of the U.S. and its world allies at serious risk of succumbing to the increasingly hostile threats and actions of our known adversaries. —Florida

Re: NYT Still Suppressing Hunter’s October Surprise

This is one of the real reasons Democrats are so enamored with mail-in ballots and early voting. They want to lock in the “sale” before voters have all of the information on the candidates and ballot issues. Another is that their platform and policies are based on emotion, so they want impulse voters who don’t take the time to reflect on the consequences of their choices. —Minnesota

Re: The Data on Leftist Erosion of American Values

“Tolerance for others, deemed very important by 80% of Americans as recently as four years ago, has fallen to 58% since then.” To liberals, “tolerance” is a one-way street. The most intolerant people you meet will be those who feel their woke values give them the moral high ground and require intolerance of anyone whose opinions differ. Americans are ready to give tolerance, but that one-way street leads next to demands for acceptance and then celebration, if not outright government subsidization. “Equal rights” never seem to stop with equality. —Georgia

Re: Rosaria Butterfield: Beauty After Ashes

Our identity is our first, deepest, most enduring, most vulnerable, and most precious possession. Recognizing, developing, and protecting our identity is the only continuous function each of us performs every conscious second of our life. Conforming our identity to the imago Dei, to the identity He Created us to be, demands we surrender our identity to allow His glory to shine through us so others see Him, not us. Such courage is not of ourselves or social media. It is found in Scripture alone, of Christ alone, by faith alone, through grace alone — all for the glory of God alone. —Missouri

I’ve been a Christian all my long and storied life. Sometimes a better Christian than at other times, but always a believer in The Trinity and a worshiper of Jesus Christ. But my belief is that the God I worship created a man and a woman. Two genders. Not the multitude pushed on us by the LBGTQ+ kooks and others who have some hidden agenda that makes little sense to most thinkers. God help us; please guide us in finding clear and sinless ways to live. —Tennessee