The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: 203 House Cultists Vote Against Women’s Sports

After this ignorant and flagrant attack on female athletes by every Democrat member of the House of Representatives, how could any real woman of good conscience vote for any of these members again? What more evidence can there be of Democrat hypocrisy and anti-feminism and the insidious “cult of transgenderism”? Looking forward to a complete defeat of all Democrat candidates for Congress in 2024. All Americans who value truth and commonsense fairness must unite with Riley Gaines and Payton McNabb in ensuring this most-needed outcome. —Florida

It is heartbreaking to me this battle over women’s sports. I was not able to compete in sports because there were no girls sports until the Girls Athletic Association in the late 1960s. The opportunity to compete against other girls was limited to track and field until 1969. I think any male, even one who thinks he is something else, should not be in girls sports. Why don’t they start their own sports program like the women did? Why don’t they just give everyone participation awards and skip the championships? —Wisconsin

Re: Joe Biden’s Welfare Plantation

Biden can call spending cuts “wacko” and people can be scared about cuts in handouts only because we’re like the frog in hot water — we’re used to a perverse environmental paradigm that will kill us. If we had integrity, no one could get anything from the government. There would be no handout programs. And we would treat the government according to its true nature, which is that the cost of it is an overhead cost to all our family enterprises. And we would minimize that overhead, as do well-run businesses. Just as no one may play a poker game without anteing up, no one should be able to have a vote in our government without paying their part of the cost of that government. The nanny state is now at our throats. —Illinois

Whoever has the numbers to hold power spends as if they are entitled. Pretending otherwise is enabling the self-important fools who continue to get away with the spending. Looks like honesty and morality have both left the room. —Washington

Re: Big Brother Was Watching You Via Twitter

Congratulations, U.S. of A. You “gifted” yourselves with your own version of the KGB, spying on your every act, word, and thought. You allowed the media to push leftist/communist doctrine on you for the past 60+ years. —California

Re: Why Are EVs Phasing Out AM Radio?

I am an electronics technician by training, and the parts for AM are even less than the $50-100 stated. All that needs to be shielded is the antenna where it meets the car to the radio (usually <10 feet). Secondly, the radio body probably needs to be shielded as well, at least a little better than it is now, as it is most likely already in a metal box that is grounded to the car. Older cars had some really powerful engines and could really generate a “buzz” in the radio, which was the engine’s spark plugs firing. It was fixed by putting an RF filter on the radio power line! —Illinois

An alternate solution would be to increase the capacity for Internet communications in vehicles (including expanding coverage via satellite or wireless communications). That will eventually kill radio entirely — so anything to accelerate that transition will be helpful. —Texas

Re: A Chicago Good Samaritan

God bless Lenora Dennis, even if she did vote Democrat. With a bit of luck and the grace of God, she and many others like her will become “woke” to the fact that Democrats have done little to nothing for minorities since … well, since the founding of this nation. We need hundreds more Lenora Dennises to stand against the powers that be in their city and state and move on to the much larger Swamp that is the party of the burro in DC and our leftist media. —California

Re: Incoming!

I tried going to church a few years ago. The sermon was about Jonah. I walked out saying, “So what?” Years ago I went to a church where the sermon started with something from the Bible, then the pastor tied that specific passage to a current event being covered in the news. That made sense. Religion is losing followers because the teachers don’t take time to find a relationship between the Bible and today’s events. High crime is not just in Chicago. It’s on the minds of anyone who might go to or pass through Chicago or LA or NOLA or NYC. Why do pastors insist on trying to enlarge the fold when they don’t take time to talk to people about their issues? —Nevada