The Patriot Post® · In Brief: Biden's Ominous Campaign Slogan

By Political Editors ·

“Every generation has a moment where they have had to stand up for democracy, to stand up for their fundamental freedoms. I believe this is ours,” Joe Biden said in his reelection announcement this week. “That’s why I’m running for reelection as President of the United States. Join us. Let’s finish the job.”

Political analyst Matt Margolis responds to a slogan Biden has worked into other contexts in recent months:

It’s a bizarre slogan, in my opinion, because when I hear the phrase “finish the job,” I think of hitmen and organized crime. This phrase is often used to refer to the completion of a contracted killing or a violent task assigned by a criminal organization, be it in real life or in Hollywood. …

Given the ominous connotations of the phrase “finish the job,” it is both disturbing and appropriate that Biden is employing it as a campaign slogan. Throughout his presidency, the nation has witnessed an unprecedented rise in gas prices and inflation, with the supply chain and border crises worsening the situation. The looming possibility of a recession adds to the growing list of concerns.

Margolis also points to the other evident failures or deliberate malfeasance of the Biden administration: Our open border and the surge of fentanyl, the attacks on women and children via the transgender cult, rising crime, economic upheaval, and so on.

The gravity of the situation raises a pressing question: what job does Biden intend to finish? The slogan suggests a purposeful determination to see something sinister through to its conclusion, and I dare not guess what Biden’s vision for our nation really is.

He concludes:

When I hear Biden’s “finish the job” slogan, I interpret it as a warning to the American people. It is a warning that he intends to continue his destructive policies and that he will not be satisfied until he has transformed America into a socialist state. The American people must reject Biden’s vision for our country, and they must elect a president who will put the interests of the American people first, and not try to finish the job by destroying everything that made America great.

Read the whole thing here.