Biden Thinks He Can ‘Finish the Job’?
If so, the 80-year-old president is the only person in America who thinks he can complete a second term.
“Let’s finish this job,” said Joe Biden near the end of his reelection announcement video released this morning. “I know we can.” Does anyone actually think Joe Biden, first elected to the Senate 50 years ago in 1973 just before turning 30, and now obviously suffering the increasing effects of dementia at age 80, can finish a second presidential term when he’ll be 86?
That “finish the job” slogan says an awful lot about what Biden knows he needs to overcome, which is why he used it more than a dozen times in his State of the Union address.
Some 70% of voters don’t want him to run. Even a majority of Democrats don’t want Biden to be their party’s nominee in 2024.
Political analyst Brit Hume observed: “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this, were you have a distinct majority of an incumbent president’s own party saying they don’t want him to run. … The situation in the other party is nearly as grim, a former president who the majority of the country does not want to see run again.”
If there’s one thing Democrats can’t stand, it’s being made fun of, and Biden offers more opportunity than most for humor at his expense. Of the many videos we post each week, the ones in the “Biden’s Senior Moment of the Week” series are by far the most popular. Week after week, there are numerous clips of him stumbling over his words, literally stumbling, or simply aimlessly wandering around.
The leader of the free world is a joke, a punchline.
It’s funny, but his ineptitude is incredibly dangerous. His appeasement of Vladimir Putin enabled the invasion of Ukraine — the biggest threat to NATO since the fall of the Soviet Union. And his corrupt ties with Red China have created a perilous threat in the Pacific.
It also incredibly sad. Jill Biden and his other handlers are guilty of elder abuse for shuffling him out in public every day. Shame on them.
Given that Biden can’t hide in his basement like he did in 2020, there’s a real possibility that this campaign announcement is all for show and that he will bow out sometime in the next year. That’s certainly what Mark Alexander has steadfastly predicted since last August.
“One reason Biden pretends to be running,” asserts Alexander, “is to ensure that Donald Trump will lead the 2024 Republican primary pack.” He continues: “Despite all the pundit chatter to the contrary, central to the Democrats’ 2024 strategy is helping Trump to eclipse other Republicans who pose a greater threat to Gavin Newsom, et al., especially Ron DeSantis.”
Alexander believes Newsom or another leftist will replace Biden when he steps down in the primary. He notes further: “Demos know Trump will do massive fratricidal damage to the Republican Party in the primary and pave the way for another Democrat president. In fact, if that was Biden, I think he could defeat Trump again given the amount of hate and division Trump invokes and the way national elections are now rigged. Notably, in 2024, Trump will also be older than Ronald Reagan was when he left office.”
On the national dislike for both candidates, Alexander concludes, “If the 2024 election is a Biden/Trump rematch, it will not be determined by which candidate voters like most, but which they dislike the least.”
As for Newsom, note that the California governor recently embarked upon a “Red State Tour,” which was nothing short of a presidential campaign sweep.
The trick for Democrats is that Biden can’t possibly endure a second term, and Kamala Harris can’t possibly win election in her own right. People roll their eyes at Ole Joe, but they recoil in dislike from Cacklin’ Kamala. But Democrats also can’t shunt aside The First Black Female Vice President™ without some serious blowback in the party.
On that note, we observed some intriguing things in Biden’s announcement video. First was how prominently black people were featured throughout. Biden did promise to be the president of “all Americans,” though he hasn’t lived up to that even remotely, maybe particularly for blacks struggling with crime and inflation. Nevertheless, he’s beating the drum on that whole “you ain’t black” thing for a critical voter constituency.
On the flip side, there was almost no representation for the LGBT cult in Biden’s ad. Shy of Chuck Schumer in a rainbow love shirt and a nondescript woman’s head below a rainbow sign defying “fear,” there was no mention of it. “Transgendered” people and drag queens were nowhere to be seen. Why would he be so callous? Political calculation.
Biden did decry Republicans “banning books,” but most of the books shown in the half-second freeze frame were books like To Kill a Mockingbird, banned by leftists who object to certain racial elements. A couple of “transgender” novels were thrown in, but there was no explanation that it’s parents who don’t want their elementary school kids reading gender grooming propaganda.
It’s also telling that Biden’s video began with footage from January 6. Four years ago to the day, Biden launched his first campaign on the Charlottesville lie about Trump. Biden’s video makes clear that he will still run against Trump whether or not Trump is the GOP nominee. Trump and his “MAGA extremists” are the villains of Biden’s fantasy fiction, in which “freedom” — the first word he says in the ad — means “free stuff” and no boundaries for personal deviancy rather than, you know, actual freedom. For example, he bemoans that Republicans are “dictating what healthcare decisions women can make,” which is pretty rich coming from President Vaccine Mandate.
“The question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom,” he says. “More rights or fewer.” No, the question is how do you define “rights”? As the Founder do in the Constitution, or as modern leftists do as they steal your tax dollars and give them to someone else and as they indoctrinate your kids into the gender cult?
We could pick apart numerous other examples in Biden’s three minutes of lies and distortions, and now-familiar divisive nonsense. Fact is Biden is a “lying dog-faced pony soldier,” a serial liar.
The point here is that Biden simply isn’t who he says he is and he can’t “finish the job” as he promises. Nor should he. Given that he deceived the country by running as a moderate, steady hand only to then govern to the left of Bernie Sanders, we don’t want him to “finish the job.”
Finishing the job would entail continued inflation, rising crime, a worsening border invasion, and more division by race and sexual preference or fetish. Americans deserve better than that. Our children need better than that. We can only hope something approaching that 70% of Americans follows through and votes against Biden or whatever Democrat actually would “finish the job.”