The Patriot Post® · Monday: Below the Fold

By Thomas Gallatin & Jordan Candler ·


  • The groomers are winning: According to a recently released report from the CDC, as of 2021, one in four high school students identify as LGBTQ. This represents a massive spike from just 11% of high school students identifying as such in 2015. What accounts for this growth in gender disorientation among America’s youth? The short answer is indoctrination and grooming. For example, Democrat legislators in Minnesota are pushing this socially deviant contagion even harder, as they are seeking to change the legal definition of “sexual orientation” to be based on expressed identity and not biological sex. Even more disturbingly, they aim to eliminate any negative associations surrounding pedophilia. There’s only one word for this: grooming.

  • FBI: We’re not spying on as many Americans: From December 2020 through November 2021, the FBI “queried” some 3.4 million Americans under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The following year, the number of FBI queries dropped 94%, totaling roughly 204,000. What explains the sudden drop? The number spiked after the January 6 Capitol riot, and it fell after the Democrats’ subsequent sham J6 Committee investigation played out. If the FBI can use FISA as a tool to target American citizens, then Section 702, which is up for reauthorization this year, requires significant reforms at the very least.

  • Americans still in Sudan: After abruptly shutting down the U.S. embassy in Sudan and bugging out last week due to growing unrest in the war-torn nation — a move that left more than 16,000 Americans behind — the Biden administration over the weekend changed course. After justifying the initial decision to leave Americans to fend for themselves based upon “intelligence,” the Biden administration is now working to evacuate these non-government U.S. citizens. Why the sudden shift? Well, it took getting embarrassed by other countries that acted to protect their citizens and reporters noticing and questioning this for the Biden administration to finally be motivated to act. This is not leadership; it’s negligent indifference borne out of cowardice.

  • Bidens still deny their seventh grandchild: It’s no secret that Hunter Biden is a mess of an individual, and if it wasn’t for his father and the office he holds, Hunter would likely have found himself behind bars long ago. Yet Hunter’s malfeasance in his personal life continues to effectively be defended by his father, as Joe Biden steadfastly refuses to recognize Navy Joan, Hunter’s child from his fling with a former stripper, as one of his grandchildren. The hypocrisy on this front is even more significant given the fact that the senior Biden has long built a political brand denouncing deadbeat dads. Meanwhile, he’s supporting his son’s efforts to avoid having to pay child support and also to prevent Navy Joan from holding the family name. What a swell family.

  • Gun grabbing in the states: On the heels of Washington State passing three Second Amendment-infringing gun control laws, Colorado’s Democrat governor wasn’t about to be outdone. On Friday, Jared Polis signed four gun control bills into law, one of which raised the minimum age for a firearms purchase from 18 to 21. Fortunately, Democrats failed in their bid to pass an “assault weapons” ban similar to what passed in Washington. Speaking of similar bans, the implementation of Illinois’s “assault weapons” ban that was signed into law in January by Democrat Governor J.B. Pritzker has been put on hold by a U.S. district judge who ruled that it infringes on the Second Amendment. Hopefully, residents in Washington will get a similar reprieve, as lawsuits have been brought against that state’s “assault weapons” ban. Of course, none of these gun laws actually makes law-abiding citizens any safer from criminals. Such laws serve only to further limit Liberty.


  • Texas fugitive accused of killing five was illegally in U.S., deported five times (Fox News)

  • Mayorkas refuses to take accountability for “unprecedented” migration crisis, shifts blame (Fox News)

  • Crenshaw won’t support “crazy” GOP border legislation that “doesn’t address the cartels” (Washington Examiner)

  • Nearly 9 in 10 in new poll hold feds responsible for border crisis, most expect states to fix (Just the News)

  • Regulators seize First Republic in second-largest bank failure in U.S. history (National Review)

  • Fed admits fault for Silicon Valley Bank collapse in “unflinching” report (Free Beacon)

  • All nine Supreme Court justices issue rare statement after leftist attacks on conservative jurists (Daily Wire)

  • Biden already semi-retired, analysis of his schedule finds (Free Beacon)

  • Tim Scott sets May 22 announcement for 2024 presidential bid (Washington Examiner)

  • More universities jump on trend of holding race-based graduation events (Daily Caller)

  • 673 university professors sign letter opposing courses on America’s founding, Constitution (Fox News)

  • New faculty-led organization at Harvard will defend academic freedom (Boston Globe)

  • “Pure pandering”: Bud Light’s countrified commercial during NFL draft compounds Mulvaney fallout (Daily Wire)

  • Bud Light accused of disabling commercial comments after negative response (Newsweek)

  • Emerson College adds period products to men’s restrooms, meeting group’s demand for “menstrual equality” (Fox News)

  • “Trans” cyclist picks up overall victory in Tour of the Gila (Fox News)

  • IRS hiring hundreds of armed agents (Free Beacon)

  • NC Supreme Court hands Republicans election-law victories, citing judicial restraint (National Review)

  • California approves banning diesel truck sales by 2036 (Fox Business)

  • Why did Biden’s CIA director meet with Jeffrey Epstein after his conviction? (Daily Wire)

  • Humor: Noah starting to think the woodpeckers were a bad idea (Babylon Bee)

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