The Biden Family Is an American Disgrace
Hunter plays the role of dead-beat dad over child support to a grandchild the Bidens ignore.
It’s awfully difficult when writing some stories to balance grace and careful, analytical rebuke with the sometimes overwhelming desire to just hammer ‘em. We’re all human. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Scripture tells us that clearly, and we can see it manifestly all around us. But when we find yet more evidence that America’s First Family is little other than rejects from a Jerry Springer episode, we have to admit it makes our blood boil, especially given that Joe Biden won by being touted by far too many Americans as the moral superior of Donald Trump.
First, we’ll offer some grace. Joe Biden has endured grievous personal tragedy, losing his wife and daughter in a car accident in 1972, and then his oldest son Beau to brain cancer in 2015. His story is worthy of sympathy, even from the hardest-hearted political operative.
However, that’s no excuse for the lies Biden tells about his family or the ways he’s enriched himself by exploiting his alcohol- and drug-addicted son Hunter for pay-to-play schemes in Ukraine and China.
Moreover, the whole family’s history is sordid. Joe and Jill Biden likely began their relationship with Jill being unfaithful to her first husband. Jill has mistreated her cognitively impaired husband in order to reach the top of the power ladder.
If their drug-addict daughter Ashley’s diary is to be believed, Creepy Joe behaved at a minimum extremely inappropriately by showering with her as a kid. No wonder she struggles with drug addiction. Hunter blames his own addictions on the trauma of his mother and brother’s deaths, and, to be sure, that laptop of his reveals a repulsively degenerate lifestyle that is obviously a cry for help, not exploitation.
Don’t forget that Joe Biden has been credibly accused of rape.
All of that is a long way of coming around to the point: Hunter Biden recently asked a judge in Arkansas to recalculate his child support payments for a girl he fathered with Lunden Roberts, a stripper from Arkansas, four years ago. According to the New York Post, that was “around the same time Hunter was dating his older brother Beau’s widow, Hallie Biden,” though it was after his 2017 divorce from Kathleen and before his 2019 marriage to Melissa.
Hunter denied paternity, of course, until DNA tests confirmed it. Now he’s claiming “a substantial material change” in his “financial circumstances, including but not limited to his income” means he can’t pay as much to support his daughter. Maybe that’s because he recently paid the IRS upwards of $1 million to cover delinquent taxes. The requisite court review of his finances may provide some answers.
It’s hardly groundbreaking that a father would try to get out of paying for the child or children who were born thanks to his irresponsible decisions to have sex. Sadly, it’s just another day in America. What makes this case stand out, of course, is that it involves Hunter Biden. He is the son of the most powerful man in the country. The Bidens’ wealth is both substantial and the subject of many questions — albeit questions the mainstream press will never ask.
Not only that, but the Bidens are supposedly “good Catholics.” Catholics above all take care of the poor and downtrodden, but the Bidens stubbornly deny their faith, their family bonds, and the science of paternity, pretending they have only “six grandchildren” by utterly and disgracefully ignoring their seventh.
Yet conservatives are repeatedly condemned as the ones who just want to force women to have babies without help, the ones who refuse to love children and families later on. So what gives here?
Well, Democrats like the Bidens have promoted promiscuous behavior for decades, depending on your tax dollars to subsidize the surviving children who result from their sexually liberated dalliances. They destroyed the American nuclear family in this fashion, and they now redefine it so broadly as to be meaningless.
The victim here is a four-year-old child who had no say in the circumstances of her birth. If the Bidens had any moral integrity, this girl would never want for anything. Instead, they pretend she doesn’t exist while their wastrel 52-year-old adolescent son tries to shirk his responsibilities. And that’s what currently constitutes America’s First Family.
Jesus saves sinners, but He also said we’ll know His followers by their fruit.