The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: Biden Thinks He Can ‘Finish the Job’?

Biden may not need a second term to finish the job. The damage he has done may well finish off what’s left of our nation even without him being in office. It appears we have corruption in all government agencies at a level never seen before in our history, all working hard to destroy what was once the greatest, freest nation ever known. Our country is being assassinated as we sit by and watch it taking place. —Wyoming

Re: In Brief: Biden’s Ominous Campaign Slogan

Yes, finish the job of making the U.S. the communist paradise that the Left envisions. Democrats have been working toward that goal for decades. Great gains were made under Obama, and Hillary was supposed to get the fruit ready to pluck, but a spoiler named Trump interrupted their Marxist progression and set them back in their timetable. Biden has regained gigantic progress in the communists’ agenda, and if the Democrats win in 2024, it will be time for, as Kruschev told Kennedy, “the communists to take over America without firing a shot.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Bad Tidings for Biden — and the American People

It’s becoming clear that too many younger Americans in this country are not paying attention to what’s going on. They have lost sight of the efforts it took to create this nation. Students today are being led down a socialist path and are embracing economic principles that will lead to the death of America as we know it (or once knew it). How can a poor soul like Joe Biden, who can barely carry on a conversation about ice cream, become the leader of this once-great nation? —California

Re: McCarthy Takes the Debt Fight to Biden

When Uncle Joe said this isn’t your father’s Republican Party, he was referring to the fact that some Republicans are fighting back. They’ve never done it before. —Minnesota

Re: Biden’s Sudan Crisis

Sixteen thousand American citizens left behind in Sudan; several hundred left behind in Afghanistan; the U.S. hemorrhaging wealth due to poor economic decisions and a green cult that controls the federal government. The enemies of our country could not do a better job of destroying us than the destruction that is occurring from within by the very government that is sworn to protect us. I am 63 years old and thought I would never see a president worse than Carter. I can honestly say I was wrong! I have never been so disgusted and embarrassed by a president and his administration in my life! —Maryland

Re: How Should Republicans Handle Abortion?

The difficulty of compromising on abortion to achieve a “consensus” is illustrated by a comparison to slavery. Limiting it to descendants of slaves (like rape or incest exceptions) was tried, and it failed to limit slavery. What if we had required slaves to be freed at age 35? How about age 25? Slavery would still have been a human rights violation. Uncle Tom’s Cabin did much to promote the anti-slavery movement by arousing sympathy for the plight of slaves. (Democrats still hate that book.) The pro-life movement must do the same for the unborn. The “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” exhibit at the Creation Museum is one such effort, as is the fetal development video of the same name by the late lecturer Dr. David Menton. —Minnesota