The Patriot Post® · The Deeply Debilitated Democrats

By Brian Mark Weber ·

If there’s one thing we’ve learned about the presidency of Joe Biden, it’s that a modicum of mental capacity isn’t a prerequisite for being elected. Or at least it isn’t among Democrats, many of whom are clearly low-information voters.

We began pointing out Biden’s clear cognitive decline months before the 2020 election, and we kept doing so right up until Election Day — sadly, to no avail. And given their electoral success, we can’t blame Democrats for trying to get away with it again. And again.

When John Fetterman stumbled and mumbled his way through the 2022 Senate race, we all knew something was wrong even though the media told us otherwise. And recently, that same media has tried to make us think 89-year-old California Senator Dianne Feinstein is hard at work in her Capitol Hill office even though she’s rarely there.

Consequently, some are beginning to wonder whether it’s time for voters to recall Feinstein and Fetterman.

“Sens. Dianne Feinstein and John Fetterman are not mentally fit to serve in the Senate,” writes columnist Joseph Curl. “How much more proof do we need?! Feinstein, 89, was out for months after being hospitalized for shingles. She has missed more than 70% of the votes in the 118th Senate. When she finally returned, she was in a wheelchair.”

Curl adds: “Fetterman is even worse. He suffered a stroke during his Senate campaign but voters elected him anyway. He has serious cognitive and hearing issues. And just weeks into his term, he disappeared for five weeks to deal with depression.”

It’s one thing for a public official to miss time recovering from a physical injury or illness, but both Feinstein and Fetterman clearly lack the cognitive ability to represent their constituents or to engage in the day-to-day demands of a U.S. senator.

Recently, an encounter with Feinstein on an elevator ride revealed she isn’t even aware that she’s been away from the Beltway for a significant amount of time. “It’s not that she’s in a wheelchair,” writes Spencer Brown. “It’s not that she had shingles, it’s not even so much her age (many young members of Congress could use a competency test). It’s the fact that a sitting U.S. senator was hospitalized, then sent to her California home to convalesce — absent from official Senate business for literal months — and she doesn’t seem to be aware that she missed anything.”

Meanwhile, Fetterman was observed incoherently rambling at a recent Senate hearing.

Fetterman’s actual words made no sense whatsoever, but that didn’t stop reporters and even Fetterman’s own office from doctoring his quotes to make him appear at least minimally competent. Fetterman’s inability to communicate coherently also isn’t a problem for the Leftmedia. They see his impairment as an opportunity to recreate his garbled words into whatever they think fits the narrative.

Washington Post reporter Jeff Stein literally fabricated a Fetterman quote to try to make it make sense.

“Fetterman is unable to speak in coherent sentences and requires the use of a closed captioning device to understand what other people are saying,” writes Andrew Stiles at The Washington Free Beacon in a humorous fact-check of Stein. “This poses a challenge to the liberal journalists who adore Fetterman and have sought to portray him as an inspirational figure on par with Abraham Lincoln.”

It all makes sense now.

Millions of Americans wondered how the Democrat establishment could spend all that money and put all that energy into supporting the election campaigns of Biden and Fetterman — candidates we all knew couldn’t actually hold up to the cognitive rigors of the job. In reality, both men are nothing more than lumps of clay in the hands of Democrat operatives who mold them into whatever shape they desire.

“When it comes to Fetterman’s public statements,” Stiles adds, “journalists can either quote him accurately or they can attempt to translate his words into English. The former is called doing journalism, the latter is called peddling misinformation and threatening to undermine the sacred pillars of our cherished democracy.”

Maybe that’s why Democrats are just fine keeping Feinstein and Fetterman where they are. After all, like Biden, these two don’t need to be aware of reality as long as they can rubber-stamp the Democrats’ agenda. No wonder the media celebrated Fetterman’s return to the office from a six-week bout with “depression” and proclaimed him “ready to work.” Apparently, anyone with a heartbeat and a “D” next to his name is qualified to serve as a U.S. senator, so long as his words can be translated into leftist talking points.

Apparently, the Democrat Party would rather have the manipulable likes of Fetterman, Feinstein, and Biden in power than public officials who can think for themselves or, for that matter, speak for themselves. Then again, Democrat governors in Pennsylvania and California would appoint Democrat replacements, and, at least in California, no Republican stands a chance in a special election.

Thankfully, though, the American people seem to be catching on, at least nationally. A recent AP poll showed that only 26% of Americans want Joe Biden to run again, as opposed to a stunning 73% who don’t.

It’ll be interesting to see how all this plays out between now and Tuesday, November 5, 2024.