The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: The Art of Femininity

“Thank you so much for your insightful look at womanhood. Although I have been a working mom, I wish that someone would have told me that I have worth even as a mother and keeper of my home. We have five boys and two girls. I’ve encouraged my daughters to find their worth in Jesus, not man. I did not know that when I was young.” —Michigan

“Without a doubt, the most outstanding writing on the subject of womanhood I have ever read. I will forward this to many confused friends of mine. Emmy, you are an amazing woman whom God has given the talent and gift of expressing what needs to be put out there for so many confused women — young and old! I never miss your articles, and The Patriot Post is fortunate to have you!” —Connecticut

“Ironically, though a woman can use looks to attract love, it seems women are most beautiful when they are realizing how much they are loved.” —Illinois

Re: Wednesday: Below the Fold

“What kind of leader decides to leave for a week while his country is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy? No true leader would do that! That’s like the CEO of any billion-dollar company taking a week’s vacation while his/her company undergoes a major fraud investigation. This hypothetical is exactly what Biden is doing to this country. All while only worrying about himself.” —Michigan

Re: Chocolate Milk and the Nanny State

“I’ve worked as a dishwasher for a school lunch program. I could tell when we had run out of chocolate milk — the number of water glasses needing to be washed increased quickly. Meanwhile, we had to watch the expiration dates on the low-fat plain milk. This scheme will be as big a waste as Michelle Obama’s salad menus. If you tell the children they have to take the white milk, much of it will just go into the waste bucket. It makes much more sense to cut the sugar incrementally; find out how much sugar can be reduced in each food item without the children preferring to go hungry rather than consuming it.” —Minnesota

Re: In Brief: The Federal Dirty Dish Rule

“Once again, the ecofascists are ignoring science. It takes a certain minimum amount of energy to break the bonds between a dish and food debris stuck to it. There is a maximum amount that can be dissolved or suspended in water without it becoming ineffective at cleaning. It is impractical to build a water treatment module into dishwashers; it will cost much more energy to run and maintain it than bringing in more water. Dishwashers can be made more efficient by replacing induction motors with more efficient types, and some reduction of energy use and noise can be obtained by applying computational fluid dynamics to the design of pumps, valves, and other plumbing, but the cost will be high. Any jet engine designer will attest to that.” —Minnesota