The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: Good News: SCOTUS Rules Against the Regulators

“There are good ways to spread the wealth. Providing opportunity would be the most obvious. Forcibly taking from one to give to another is not. That’s redistribution, and the rules are such that the politicians promoting it always win. The Democrat version of wealth redistribution is also what is causing stores to flee those areas the party controls. Looting, it seems, has become a growth industry.” —Washington

Re: The LA Dodgers Defile Themselves

“From our foundation as a nation, we have honored religion of all kinds, but this affront is too much. For the organization that sponsors our American sport and has had the support of millions over the years, I cannot understand this pandering. This is WRONG. A blasphemy is the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things. This is blasphemy and an attack on the beliefs of a majority of the world. Ignore such people and do not advertise their perversion.” —Washington

“The Dodgers organization is just despicable, but it is not alone. Our own beloved St Louis Cardinals, while not going as far as the California team in blue, will be honoring and celebrating the homosexual lifestyle with a day in mid-June. Let’s hope that day has the lowest fan turnout of the year!” —Missouri

Re: Fox News Goes Gender Woke

“Not much of a surprise considering the successful brainwashing that’s rampant in academia, and, unfortunately, that’s the generation that’s taking over business, God help us. Too bad their woke-colored glasses prevent them from seeing reality — Anheuser-Busch is suffering from the Bud Light debacle to the point it’s actually trying to give its beer away; Target went full pride, took a lot of heat, and dialed back a bit; Fox News dumped Tucker Carlson and ratings tanked. Any of the brilliant college minds running things these days see a pattern here? It’s taken awhile, but I think there’s finally some pushback from regular people who are sick of the rainbow crapola and will happily take their business elsewhere.” —Pennsylvania

Re: A Targeted Attack

“I think conservative women have at least as much power to teach Target a lesson as beer drinkers have taught Bud Light and as viewers have taught Fox News, and I hope they do. These companies need to relearn the old adage that the customer is always right — and also that it’s smarter to keep Satan out of the business model.” —Pennsylvania

“Target shareholders should look to replace Brian Cornell as CEO. He clearly does not get it that trying to satisfy a minority of the population really ticks off the vast majority that has the option to shop elsewhere.” —Florida

Re: Clothing Companies Hate Women

“There’s only one problem for me with ‘voting with my wallet’: I have not spent a dime on those woketards in at least 10 years. They will not miss my boycott, but I never miss an opportunity to express my opinion. Maybe that will work.

 Regardless, keep up your good work.” —Hawaii

Re: NAACP’s Chief Race Hustler Strikes (Out) Again

“The Biden administration and Democrats across the country are mired in failures — rampant illegal immigration and the resulting drug and human trafficking; major cities overrun by violence and crime; massive failure of ‘public education’; inflationary reduction in standard of living for millions of Americans; and poverty and vagrancy in most urban centers. But Biden’s focus is always clickbait dogwhistles, race, and guns, and his adoring MSM trumpets that message.” —Washington

Re: Biden’s Denigration of American Military Patriots

“Remember when Bill Clinton’s focus on ‘people of color’ garnered him the title ‘First Black President’? Perhaps Biden’s woke agenda has earned him the title ‘First LGBTQ+ President’!” —North Carolina

Re: Will the Fathers Please Stand Up?

“These parents should get together and remove their children from the public schools. The federal government pays the school for every day that a child is in school. If enough parents boycott, the school boards will sit up and take notice. There are other options: homeschool, charter school, private school, and religious school. Stage a boycott. Our tax money should not be paying for this garbage. Hit them in the pocketbook, just like Target and Bud Light, for example.” —California