The Patriot Post® · A Tale of Ten Million 'Peanuts'

By Douglas Andrews ·

Yesterday’s landmark Supreme Court decision, which struck down the vile and corrosive practice of racial discrimination in college admissions, dealt a heavy blow to Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats.

But it also served as a much-needed distraction.

Indeed, just when it seemed like The New York Times and the rest of the mainstream media had been dragged kicking and screaming into the coverage of the Biden Crime Family’s cascading list of outrages and its preferential treatment by a corrupt FBI and a corrupt Department of Two-Tiered Justice, a much-anticipated Supreme Court ruling runs Huntergate off the front page.

But not for long. The momentum against the Biden Crime Family (BCF) is building. As the American Spectator’s David Catron writes:

Something changed last week inside the Beltway that suggests the people who run the Democratic Party now realize President Biden’s tenure in office is not sustainable beyond 2024. The “tell” was not, however, the latest revelation by IRS whistleblowers about his corrupt administration. It was instead the sudden awakening of the White House press corps. The same “reporters” who snored through more than two years of preposterous claims by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and her predecessor simultaneously woke up Friday. Correspondents from media outlets CNN, CBS, NBC, and even the New York Times aggressively questioned Jean-Pierre about the metastasizing Hunter Biden scandals.

Earlier this week, we reported that the BCF and the DOJ were being further exposed by an intrepid whistleblower, IRS supervisory special agent Gary Shapley, who shed new light on the glaring discrepancy between what Attorney General Merrick Garland had testified to before Congress and the heavily corroborated facts as laid out by Delaware-based federal prosecutor David Weiss — namely, that he, Weiss, had been thwarted in his investigation of Hunter Biden at nearly every turn by Joe Biden’s Department of “Justice.”

Since then, we’ve also learned, by way of special agent Shapley’s jaw-dropping interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier, that “critical steps in the federal investigation into Hunter Biden were put ‘on the back burner’ as the 2020 presidential election approached.” Shapley said that the most serious and legitimate felony charges against Biden “were left off the table,” and he reiterated his claim “that that the entirety of the Justice Department’s probe into the president’s son was influenced by politics.”

Shapley said that DOJ prosecutors ordered investigators to avoid asking witnesses questions about Joe Biden and chose not to execute search warrants involving Hunter. “We weren’t allowed to ask questions about ‘dad,’” he said. “We weren’t allowed to ask about ‘the big guy.’ We weren’t allowed to include certain names in document requests and search warrants. So … we were precluded from following that line of questioning.”

It gets worse. Way worse. Shapley says that when investigators tried to execute search warrants in several locations in mid-2020, just as the 2020 presidential election was heating up, “the prosecutors at the time stated that probable cause had been achieved. But as we moved closer to the election, it just seemed like they kept putting it on the back burner and they eventually didn’t allow us to do that search warrant, even though the legal requirements to execute that search warrant were met.”

And here’s the kicker from Shapley regarding yet another aborted search warrant, this one on a storage unit in Northern Virginia, which they had good reason to believe had evidence related to their investigation and which prosecutors originally supported:

Eventually, the prosecutors decided they didn’t support it. So I called U.S. Attorney David Weiss, with my senior executive on the phone. … And no sooner I had gotten off the phone with David Weiss had we learned that the prosecutors were informing defense counsel of that storage unit and the evidence that existed there. So it completely ruined our chances to access [that evidence] unfettered.

Election interference, anyone? Anyone?

On Wednesday, we went so far as to say that AG Garland is lying about who was calling the investigative shots throughout Hunter Biden’s sweetheart deal, and we suggested that the best tool Republicans have as a party that controls just one-half of one-third of the federal government is impeachment. Nothing that’s happened since then has dissuaded us.

Something has further prejudiced against the Biden Crime Family, though — namely, another WhatsApp message, this one sent from Hunter to a Chinese “business” associate named Gongwen “Kevin” Dong on August 3, 2017. As the New York Post transcribes it:

“K- Very simple: 10 M per annum budget to use to further the interest of the JV,” Hunter wrote. “This move to 5M is completely new to me and is not acceptable obviously … if the Chairman doesn’t value this relationship is being worth at least 5M, then I’m just baffled.”

The now-first son concluded his message by writing: “Please let’s put this to bed tonight [and] sign officially tomorrow (or anytime as late tonight as you want) and get to work. I am tired of this Kevin. I can make $5M in salary at any law firm in America. If you think this is about money it’s not.

"The Biden’s [sic] are the best I know at doing exactly what the Chairman wants from this partnership. Please let’s not quibble over peanuts.”

That’s right. According to man-of-the-people Hunter Biden, his family is unmatched when it comes to selling out the United States and sucking up to the ChiComs. Oh, and $10 million is peanuts.

We’d love to know what the Big Guy Biden thinks of that.