The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: Demos Use the Coffins of Murdered Children as Their Political Platform

“Not to mention the millions of babies ripped from the wombs of their mothers — of course there were no coffins for them.” —New York

“Red flag laws will allow legal confiscation of firearms from anyone whom the authorities disfavor, e.g. pro-life advocates, traditional marriage defenders, devout Catholics and evangelicals, Trump/MAGA supporters, anyone who stands for the national anthem … you get the picture. Beware of the Democrat state apparatchiks.” —Missouri

“The Democrats must, like all dictatorial socialists, disarm the people in order to rule them. Every dictator, every absolute ruler from the dawn of time has been sensitive to arms in the hands of the people. The right of the people to keep and bear arms is antithetical to the rule of tyrants.” —Colorado

Re: Angry Joe Claims ‘Success’

“Under the Biden administration, America’s rating on the Index of Economic Freedom fell sharply from 76.6 to 70.6. Biden’s fiscal irresponsibility places a lifelong burden of debt slavery on every American. The Biden administration worked with Big Tech partners to suppress disfavored opinions on online platforms. They have used government agencies, particularly the FBI, to chill free speech. Without equal justice, liberty cannot long survive. But the Biden Department of Justice blatantly carries one standard of ‘justice’ for Democrats and a far harsher standard for political opponents. Mr. Biden has repeatedly usurped the power of Congress via executive orders. He has failed his primary obligation of ‘securing the blessings of liberty.’” —Minnesota

“We all know Joe is mentally challenged and a legend in his own mind. He really believes the lies he tells, and that is sad. Maybe he doesn’t know he is a crook and thinks his illegal actions don’t matter. But they do! He has demonstrated, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that he is unfit to be president of the United States. He and his crime family belong behind bars.” —California

“Those who care for his dementia illness should take the initiative to convince him to drop out of the presidential race. If he were to win that race (highly unlikely), he could possibly die in office from the disease considering his age and time period since diagnosis. What would be the result, then?” —Washington

Re: A Bridge Too Far for Lyin’ Joe

“Lyin’ Joe just can’t stop. He has been caught lying about himself and his exploits for over 50 years! He is notorious with his embarrassing lies. But he isn’t embarrassed because he is brain-dead. He really has no idea of how pathetic a person he actually is. I’m surprised he hasn’t told everyone a big lie about how he earned the Medal of Honor, the Silver Star, and the Distinguished Service Medal on a clandestine raid on an enemy that has been kept secret for many years. That sounds just like the kind of thing he would like to regale himself with.” —California

Re: Thursday Short Cuts

“This president has had to deal with many disasters in the past two years, and he has shown up and he has been there.” —Karine Jean-Pierre

“The editors labelled it a ‘BIG Lie.’ In context, it may well have been so. But by itself, it’s accurate. Mr. Biden has not just ‘been there’ and had to deal with many disasters, he’s been at the center of them because he caused them.” —Minnesota

Re: Border Blues Boohoos

“The Democrats’ plan is to use these illegals to change the demographics in the Republican flyover states by infiltrating them with welfare-dependent, uneducated, Democrat voters. America will soon have a one-party system. The Democrats don’t care what they ruin to accomplish this — our literacy levels, our standard of living, our eradication of diseases, our culture, our economy, and our law-and-order system. So desperate are the Dems for power that they will destroy our republic to gain it.” —Pennsylvania

Re: The Decline and Fall of American Civility

“Civility is being lost because the city-dwelling part of our population has lost its mind. It no longer shares the values that we Americans all shared: freedom, family, God, country, prosperity. It now worships and accepts a lifestyle of depravity and tries to forcibly impose that lifestyle on the rest of the country. That’s where the lack of civility begins. Conservatives are pushing back, and thank God that we are. I just hope that we as conservatives haven’t waited too long to do so.” —California

Re: ‘In Satan We Trust’

“I respect your taking time and effort to publicly speak against the twisted mentalities that are doing their best to indoctrinate our children in their agenda of darkness. It sounds like something right out of a Stephen King novel. You can start by voting Democrats out of office. Their Marxist agenda is to destroy the values necessary for the sustainment of civilization as written in The Ten Commandments, which are not just Jewish but are universal. Shout your story to the world. Pack school board meetings and get loud. Passive resistance will get you nowhere. Be prepared to be labeled as terrorists.” —Ohio

Re: Target’s Misplaced Pride

“Target’s problems started long before its ‘Pride’ display issues. I started boycotting Target a long time ago when it began letting gender-confused men in women’s restrooms.” —Florida

Re: Germany’s Gender Problem

“Sadly, this is not limited to Germany. It is ironic to hear about it from an Anglican priest since Anglicans, both in the UK and in the USA (at least those who have remained Episcopalian), are heavily invested in the same blasphemy. But it is not just Anglicans. Almost all the so-called old line churches have signed on to the same stuff. Even those who haven’t are laying low and avoiding the subject altogether.” —Virginia

“The USA is falling for this also. We need to get back to Judeo-Christian principles in our politics, our business, and most of all our churches. I think God expressed his opinion of these sinners in the Old Testament!” —Arkansas