The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: ChiComs ‘Upon Us Now’

“The Communist Chinese government is not allowing any Chinese to leave who ‘want to escape from their totalitarian homeland.' Those whom China is allowing to come to the U.S. (legally or illegally) have already been vetted by their communist masters for unquestioning loyalty to the CCP and its goals. I’m sure they can hardly believe their good fortune with the Biden administration allowing so many loyal PLA soldiers into the U.S. Then again, even '10% for the big guy’ buys a lot of access to the U.S.” —Arizona

“Maybe Wray, Comey, and the FBI should have spent zero time on the phony Trump/Russia hoax and investigated China.” —Minnesota

“If Wray is so intent on stopping the Chinese threat, perhaps he should be lined up at the door of the so-called president and explain why so many people from China are illegally entering the country from the southern border.” —Texas

If the U.S. were to fix its immigration and citizenship system, perhaps there would be less of a threat from so many other nations. My step-daughter has been waiting since 2012 for processing. Every time they talk of ‘fixing’ illegal immigration, her application and tens of thousands of others are pushed to a further back burner. Why?” —California

“America’s greatest geopolitical foe is China, and our greatest national security threat is our own border. Yet Biden and much of Washington are focused on wars in Ukraine and Israel. Biden tends to forget that he is the POTUS and needs to take care of American citizens and our borders.” —Michigan

Re: Biden’s Department of ‘Justice’ Clears Anti-Catholic FBI

“So the FBI specifically targets devout Catholics for reconnaissance because of their ideology, in direct violation of the freedom of religion protected by the First Amendment, and though this is found to violate professional standards, we can all rest easy because there was ‘no evidence of malicious intent.’ Are we supposed to find comfort in knowing that such shocking indifference to American citizens’ basic freedoms is ‘only’ due to mind-boggling levels of incompetence and deep-state arrogance? If the federal government’s law enforcement is blatantly discriminating on the basis of religion, I don’t care why. It’s like Biden’s flagrant violation of rules for handling classified documents: motive is irrelevant; punish the CRIME.” —Georgia

Re: The Shame of Columbia Continues … and Spreads to Yale

“Simple solution to protests at colleges: Dismiss them all from college for life and stop all government funding of colleges. Was anyone surprised that the FBI was exonerated from harassing Catholics?” —Minnesota

“It is time for influential Columbia and Yale alumni of Jewish background to start speaking with wallets.” —Florida

Re: Johnson and the GOP’s Herd of Cats

“The Republican Party is a mess. Why these folks don’t just wrap themselves in the Constitution and quit bickering over minutiae is appalling to me. Shows a reason why 2022 was not a red wave. We are literally surrounded by death-dealing political foes, and these useful idiots are truly a threat to the longevity of this republic. Focus, focus, focus. That is what is missing. A true leader is missing.” — Massachusetts

“You were exactly right when you said MTG is the Republicans’ AOC. I’ve said the same thing myself. Isolationist Republicans need to understand that a superpower like the U.S. doesn’t get the luxury of burying our heads in the sand and hoping the world will leave us alone. Rogue regimes won’t let us. They also need to remember that the U.S. and UK signed a treaty with Ukraine 30 years ago guaranteeing that we would assist it if it was the victim of aggression. We must honor our promise.” —California

“MTG knows she doesn’t have the votes to dump Johnson. As much as I wouldn’t mind him being gone, I wish she would wait until she thought there was sufficient support for her position. She, being the media hound she is, thinks otherwise.” —Texas

“Just curious: Are any of the Bidens getting a cut of the Ukraine money?” —Washington

Re: Panicky Dems Admit the Quiet Part Out Loud

“The RNC needs to challenge the states to remove phantom voters, including dead persons, people registered at non-residential addresses, people registered in more than one state, and people registered at more than one address. The RNC must also stop the flow of money from foreign countries through phantom donors, including donations from the dead, multiple donations using stolen identities, and money laundered through shell companies. Election integrity is more than voter turnout.” —Ohio

Re: Couric Decries Anti-Intellectual MAGA Supporters

“I find her comments rather amusing given they reflect exactly what elites are and always have been.” —Oregon

Re: National Public Retaliation and Resignation

“How ironic that NPR, which supports and promotes leftist agendas such as DEI, is totally devoid of both in its staffing and most of its programming. The ignorance, lack of self-awareness, and resultant hypocrisy are palpable. Federal funding for NPR should be scrutinized in view of its left-biased programing and staffing, particularly with regard to its recent CEO selection, which does not bode well for improving either its DEI practice or its journalistic integrity.” —Florida

Re: Good News: China and Hollywood Are on the Rocks

“Hollywood does not have a clue that people don’t want to spend their money on movies that violate their values. No one wants to pay someone to preach values and morals that do not coincide with their values. Even the kids movies are preachy and are opposite of my values. I would be happy if they all went broke. Maybe we could have movies that were fun to see, and maybe I would be willing to spend $30 at the theater.” —Wisconsin

Re: The Idiotic Controversy Over the WNBA ‘Pay Gap’

“If this ever goes mainstream, I’m going to start a campaign to make other things ‘equal.’ After all, why must we pay more for a Lamborghini than a Kia? They are both automobiles!” —Nevada

Re: American Liberty Born Again — Patriots’ Day Then and Now

“Here in the Lone Star State, Liberty is ‘born again’ with every dawn!” —Texas

“Sadly, too few are willing now to step up and defend what our Founding Fathers envisioned for our nation here on the Left Coast.” —Oregon

“Our state motto in New Hampshire is ‘Live Free or Die.’ Hard to believe that here in Bernie Sanders land of electric Volvos driven by his fashionably woke and wealthy leftist supporters, our state was once inhabited by those willing to die in defense of Liberty. Of course, there are still plenty of Patriots around, but the Sanders crowd only find Ben & Jerry’s ice cream ‘to die for’ now.” —New Hampshire

“Thank you for this reminder of the Dawn of Liberty in America, and the legacy that today’s Patriots must carry forward!” —Colorado