September 9, 2024

The Shrinking, Impotent Church

The world has infiltrated the church, but there is a move of God taking place across the country.

There are many people across the country looking at everything that’s taken place over the past 10-15 years and asking, “What happened?” It’s obvious to many that this is no longer the country our parents knew. As a Baby Boomer, it’s NOT the country I once knew. America has a broken moral compass.

We’ve lost our common sense. Things that would have been laughed at as being absurd a decade ago are now doctrines that could destroy your life because you disagree. “Men can now get pregnant”; “masking, social distancing, and vaccines will prevent COVID”; “the George Floyd riots were mostly peaceful.” These are just a few examples, although “Trump was a Russian asset” and “Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation” were a few of my personal favorites.

But the two issues that trouble me the most are the “right” to kill a child in the womb, even up till birth, and mutilating children who may be confused about their identity. These are not necessarily causes so-called progressives are willing to die for, but they will certainly think about killing you for opposing them!

How did we get here?

It began with the long-term Marxist strategy of eliminating Christianity and its influence in our nation and culture over 100 years ago. Communism has also made the undermining of Christianity its goal. Former FBI Agent W. Cleon Skousen spelled this out back in his 1958 book, The Naked Communist. But we weren’t listening. Now, we have a candidate for president who has the most radical policy positions ever. After four years as vice president, Kamala Harris has accomplished absolutely NOTHING. Yet based upon her being a woman of color, we’re supposed to make her the president of (for now) the world’s No. 1 superpower. Talk about being stuck on stupid!

But let’s be honest for a moment. The church in America has to own a big part of the responsibility for allowing this to happen. The global Church is called to be “salt and light” in the world. Salt is a preservative, and light dispels the darkness. Several decades ago, when the “moral rot” in our country began, rather than engage the culture, many churches retreated to their “forts” because they didn’t want to offend anyone or get any bad press. They basically surrendered to the culture and eventually surrendered their moral authority.

Now, the world has infiltrated the church to be accepting of sinful lifestyles under the excuse of being welcoming and accepting. I remember being at a church in Des Moines, Iowa, over 30 years ago and hearing the pastor say, “We want the sinner to feel comfortable here.” It worked; within a few years, people living in open, sinful lifestyles were very comfortable in his church.

The church is not called to be a comfortable place; it’s called to preach repentance!

The question is, are there enough faithful churches to turn the tide around? To stand up to the culture and say, “We love you, but sin is still sin. God accepts you where you are, but He doesn’t want you to stay there. He wants you free from your sin”? I say overwhelmingly, “Yes!” There is a move of God taking place across the country — on university campuses, in the streets, and in dynamic churches that love people but love God more.

There is still time for America to repent and see the greatest move of God the nation has ever seen. Politics or a candidate will not save us. Only Jesus can. But it starts with us, being broken, humbling ourselves, and repenting before Him (II Chronicles 7:14).

Something to pray about!
Semper Fidelis

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