Impeach Obama, NOW!
Dear reader, we do not have to wait for John Boehner to get of his duff and present Articles of Impeachment; any citizen can do just that. There is a provision in Jefferson’s Manual, which is bound with a copy of the United States Constitution and the rules of procedure of the House.
Any citizen may, by petition signed and notarized and sent to The Clerk of the United States House of Representatives, (Currently The Honorable Karen L Haas, U.S. Capitol, Room H-154, Washington, D.C. 20515-6601)
The petition need not be couched in legal language; simple and straightforward will do.
I, John Doe, a citizen of the United States of America hereby petition the House of Representatives to initiate proceedings to present Articles of Impeachment against Joe Blow for the following crimes, acts of derelictions of duty, or other crimes as the writer is alleging. Have your petition signed and notarized and with any lists of offenses, send it to the Clerk of the House.
Since our elected officials seem reluctant to impeach violators, American citizens, rather than beginning an insurrection might be well advised to prove that the pen is mightier than the sword or .45 caliber pistol.
Documented lies by an official in the performance of his/her duties constitute the crime of Perjury. Failure to take action when circumstances dictate they be taken, constitutes, Dereliction of Duty. Committing any unauthorized act constitutes a high Crime or Misdemeanor.
Impeachment is equivalent to an indictment in our civil court system; the threat of impeachment is or should be a deterrent to any elected or federally appointed official who is inclined to misbehave. At least We the People have a readily available remedy and we should use it whenever we perceive wrongdoing by our elected officials. Make your voice heard.