O’Care Poster Child FAIL
No cheap ObamaCare for you!
During Barack Obama’s October Rose Garden press conference touting all the people who would benefit from ObamaCare – before he had to “apologize” for the utter disaster that the rollout actually was – he pointed to Jessica Sanford as a prime example of someone who would benefit from coverage and subsidies. It turns out, that was a bit premature. Sanford received a letter from the state saying that the website goofed, and that the generous subsidies she thought she qualified for to bring her premium to just $169 per month were not, in fact, available to her. Instead, she owes full price. Oops! During that Rose Garden festivity, Obama said, “Now, that is not untypical for a lot of folks like Jessica who have been struggling without health insurance. That is what the Affordable Care Act is all about.” Indeed it is.