‘Income Inequality’ Explained
Setting the record straight.
Columnist Arnold Ahlert on one of Obama’s favorite talking points, “income inequality”: “[T]he ‘wealth gap’ that ostensibly antagonizes the president is in fact occurring. The word ‘ostensibly’ is critical because it is precisely this administration’s embrace of the Federal Reserve’s Quantitative Easing policy most responsible for it. … [W]hat amounts to little more than a debasement of our currency, represented by the $85 billion per month of newly-created money, exacerbates the wealth gap even more: devalued currency amounts to a de facto tax on everything Americans buy. Yet while this utterly misguided policy has been a boon for the rich, the massive amount of government ‘stimulus’ that has necessitated it has done virtually nothing for the poor, other than providing an increasing disincentive to work. … It is precisely the maintenance of … dependency – rather than the liberation from it – that forms the heart of progressive policy-making.”