Negotiating With Terrorists
What are Obama’s foreign policy tactics?
File the illegal exchange of five Gitmo prisoners for deserter Bowe Bergdahl under examples of Obama’s destructive foreign policy, right next to Syria’s red line, the 2012 Benghazi attack and Fast and Furious. It’s hard to understand Obama’s motivation for exchanging five of the Taliban’s top level commanders for a single soldier who snuck away from his post in the dead of night, who may have helped the enemy launch more effective attacks against Americans. But that’s what happens when the tactics of Obama’s policy change once every 24-hour news cycle. Perhaps it was for the headlines. As America is beginning a pullout from Afghanistan, Obama’s administration needed a happy, bringing-our-boys-home headline that showed him promoting peace with the enemy. But that headline comes at such a cost. America has negotiated with terrorists and the terrorists have won. More…