The Patriot Post® · In Brief: 10 Reasons Not to Own an EV

By Political Editors ·

While Democrats around the country endeavor to force Americans into buying electric vehicles, there are a number of reasons not to buy them. That number is 10, according to the editorial board at Issues & Insights.

The mandates are an egregious abuse of power.

The mandates are an egregious abuse of power Part ll.

EVs are not zero-emission vehicles.

The EV manufacturing chain is an environmental malignancy.

EVs are fire hazards.

EVs are destructive.

Slaves helped build that EV.

Exorbitant insurance premiums.

Crashing the grid.

Looking shallow.

The editors of course fill out each one of those list items, as have we on various occasions as linked above. They list the most important one at the top, saying, “Where do government officials, both elected and unelected, derive the authority to tell Americans what vehicles they cannot own and what vehicles they must own? There is none.” Federal mandates exceed constitutional limits, and state mandates affect other states.

EVs are worse pollutants from mining to junkyard, they damage roads with their heavy weight or the air with the pressure on brakes and tires, they cause exploitative labor, the increase insurance premiums for a number of reasons, and the unduly burden our electric grid.

For all that, the editors write, “EVs provide almost unmatched opportunities for virtue signaling, and that is of course why a lot of people choose to buy them. It’s quite a spectacle of vacuity.”

The editors conclude:

There are no solutions, economist Thomas Sowell tells us, only trade-offs, and the deal we’re being forced by government to make is a poor one.

Read the whole thing here.