The Patriot Post® · Indi Gregory Murdered by Big Government Healthcare

By Emmy Griffin ·

The United Kingdom operates under a socialist form of healthcare. The NHS, or National Healthcare System, is “free” for all citizens and is paid for by taxes. Sounds pretty great. It’s not. It has a horrific dark side that too few people are discussing.

Socializing healthcare puts the power of life and death in the hands of the government, and citizens lose the right to seek the best medical outcomes for their families.

Take, for example, young Indi Gregory. Indi was an eight-month-old child with a rare mitochondrial disease. This disease made it difficult for Indi’s small body to turn sugar into the energy her body needed. She had been put on life support and the UK courts and the heartless NHS were given the decision over her life.

Indi’s doctors claimed that her quality of life was going to be limited and that, should they attempt to prolong her life, the child might suffer more pain. Indi was also deemed a financial drag on the healthcare system. A judge ordered her to be taken off life support.

In response, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni reached out to Indi’s parents, Dean Gregory and Claire Staniforth. Meloni not only gave Indi citizenship in Italy but offered to pay for the infant’s transport and further care at Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital in Rome. Meloni, who was correctly outraged at this sterile and cold treatment of a young human life, said: “They say there isn’t much hope for little Indi, but until the very end, I’ll do what I can to defend her life. And to defend the right of her mamma and papa to do all that they can for her.”

However, the UK denied this aid to the young baby and even denied the child the dignity of dying at home in the bosom of her family for fear the family might try to make a run for Italy. Indi passed away on November 13, she and her family victimized by the dictates of the socialist government healthcare system.

There is no excuse for the judges who had other options and offers of aid for the young child. They killed an innocent for the sake of their own power and because, when it comes to healthcare, parental rights are nil in the UK.

Sadly, this poor family is only the latest to suffer under UK healthcare dictates. Indi is the third baby to be murdered. Six years ago, Charlie Gard (11 months old), who had the same rare disease, was a victim of this eugenicist thinking. And five years ago, Alfie Evans, a 23-month-old suffering from encephalomyopathic mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, was sentenced to death. Italy also offered to save him, but his family was put through the same horror as Indi and her family.

This is an outrage and a tragedy.

This is also life under socialized healthcare, and it could very well be heading for the U.S. before long. Canada is already there, and we’ve read again and again about the horrors that the failures of that healthcare system have wrought on its population. If you’re poor, they’ll help you commit suicide. If you’re mentally ill, MAID is there as an “easy” response to your unwelcome presence in society.

Socialized healthcare is an excuse for more government tyranny and allows for the evil practice of eugenics to take hold. How many more stories do we need to hear before we realize this is a bad system?