The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We review all comments and appreciate your response. We select a few that sharpen the understanding on a topic. If you would like to leave a comment, you will find a “Comment” button at the bottom of every article on our website.

Re: Ukraine: Time to End It

“No question that it’s past time for a ceasefire in their war (which is not our war, by the way, but thanks to the clown show in DC it has become ours, at least as far as paying the bills goes). Biden’s policy of diminishing the strength and efficiency of our Armed Forces is the real Christmas present to Putin since, even if it was warranted, we couldn’t push the Russians out of Ukraine with rainbow flags and lists of pronouns. Putin knows that, which is why he invaded after Trump was out of office. I feel sorry for the people who’ve suffered in this war, but I also feel sorry for Americans who are being made to foot the bill for someone else’s troubles.” —Pennsylvania

Re: The Hamas and Nazi Fascists

“Exposing the similarities between the Nazi and Hamas fascists goes a long way toward exposing the fascist leftists in the Democrat Party and their adolescent lemmings on American college and university campuses. The division this has created in their party, and watching Joe Biden squirm as he tries to walk the line between those factions, has been very entertaining.” —California

Re: RNC: Biden Accelerates War on American Energy

“It’s time to cut expenses. First step, remove all office supplies from the White House and congressional buildings. Replace them with military field desks, complete with folding wooden chair. Each day as they enter they will be issued one yellow note pad and one pencil. All cafeterias/restaurants/etc. will be shuttered, and each congressional critter and staff member will be able to select, out of the bottom of a case, one MRE daily ration. They will be ‘nudged’ to use public transportation, and their special extra-large parking areas will be used to house the homeless, beginning with veterans. Anything more you can think of to cut wasteful spending, feel free to add.” —California

Re: Supreme Court Fails on 2A

“If I hit you over the head with a wet mop, does that make it an assault weapon? Okay, seriously: The preamble to the Constitution ends with, ‘do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.’ Go to any dictionary and look up the definitions of the words ‘ordain’ and ‘establish.’ You will find words that are clear, direct, and firm. Particularly regarding the Second Amendment, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, ambiguous about the Constitution. It is direct and an order, not a suggestion. The Constitution is held as the highest law of the land. As such, it is federal law.” —Missouri

Re: Higher Ed, Endowments, and Price Gouging

“Not all colleges, universities, professors, or administrators are guilty, and that’s not what The Patriot Post is implying. However, as a professor who works full time, is a department chair, and works adjunct for three other schools and only made $40,000 gross last year teaching Theology, one has to ask, ‘What gives?’ The problem, in part, is many schools teach to indoctrinate rather than teach how to think. Second, we should be teaching students how to select a college, not simply value a name because of history. Who taught me has been far more impactful than the school name on my five degrees.” —Tennessee

Re: Taylor Swift’s Democrat Values

“The concept that a 34-year-old who chooses to remain a child is telling other children how to vote is frightening, especially given her ‘terror’ over the recent SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. She’s complicit in the creation of an army who froth at the mouth and stampede to the polls anytime someone suggests they might not have the right to kill their newborns. It’s truly awful what the world is descending into, and Swift is the poster child for at least a part of that descent.” —Oklahoma

“She is nothing more than a bimbo being used by her beloved Democrat Party. When they are finished with her, they will of course kick her to the curb (where she belongs).” —Indiana

Re: Fighting the Good Fight on Abortion

“If We the People fail to protect life, we betray the reason our nation was founded. Our founding document defines certain rights to be applicable to all because all are created (not ‘born’) equal, endowed by our Creator. First on that list is the right to life. After two and a half centuries, science continues to prove that the unborn are alive; they are growing strong to celebrate their birthday. If we cannot guarantee the right to life, then we guarantee nothing. If we betray our nation’s purpose to exist, then we destine our nation to moral collapse and destruction due to breech of integrity. And THAT’s the true aim of abortionists.” —Missouri

Re: About That Great American Catcher/Slugger Sage

“Thanks for this outstanding profile of a man who was much bigger in life than his considerable baseball record!” —New York

“In addition to Yogi Berra’s accomplishments as a Yankee, he was the first base coach for the world champion 1969 New York Mets, and the manager of the 1973 Mets who unfortunately lost in the World Series to the big red machine Cincinnati Reds.” —New Jersey