The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” sections. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: SOTU: Joe Biden’s Many Slurs

It is interesting to note how the Biden people scripted this entire shenanigan. First, he arrived 20 minutes late (blaming it on protesters blocking the caravan) and remained afterward long past the 11th hour, forcing Speaker Mike Johnson to remain on the rostrum as per rule. Clearly, this was a nasty ruse to run the proceedings past many working viewers’ bedtimes and keep him on air to avoid the news broadcasts from going to their 11 PM newscasts, an old Democrat political trick. —North Carolina

President Biden’s State of the Union address was emblematic of the current Democrat Party and its progressive construct full of prevarication, hyperbole, and near-rage anger, all indicative of a loss of control in the face of imminent defeat. In the same vein, it was primarily a lashing out against his predecessor and Republicans with little regard for “Union” or national unity. If the objective were to further divide our nation and promote the leftist agenda to fundamentally transform the USA, it was well received by Democrats’ oft-standing applause. However, in these perilous times calling for unity and defense of democracy, this SOTU can only be described as an undignified and unmitigated failure. —Florida

Re: The Emasculation Is Complete

From tolerance to permission to acceptance to validation to approval to legitimization to celebration to participation to advocation to identification. This devolution from Truth is a denial of the Imago Dei and is abundantly repeated in history. After tolerating the lie that denies absolute truth, it claims any “truth” is relative, dependent upon circumstances, perspective, or opinion. History records “…every man did what is right in his own eyes.” (Judges 17:6, 21:25) (“Inclusive” pronouns irrelevant, irreverent, and contemptuous.) The only end to this degression is either chaos awaiting Divine intervention via a righteous judge or apocalypse awaiting Divine judgment at the end of time. —Missouri

Re: The Danger of a Rigged Town

Meanwhile, the rate of real crime in our Capitol is a national disgrace. There are large sections of DC where it is not safe for white people to walk alone at any time of day, particularly not at night, and as is usual on Democrat poverty plantations, black-on-black violence is endemic. The Constitution gives Congress authority over the District. I suggest one fix for many of its problems is for Congress to zone the entire city office/commercial, with no residences except for elected officials and their security personnel, military and national security staff subject to direct emergency call by the President, municipal first responders, and medical staff at the hospitals. This incidentally makes the question of statehood moot. —Minnesota

Re: Wednesday: Below the Fold

“California, the state where citizens’ tax dollars ensure that illegal aliens get free stuff like healthcare and zero-interest home mortgages.” ALL of our tax dollars pay for that because of the State And Local Tax deduction, which makes it easier for California legislators to tax their citizens, knowing that it will be offset by their reduced federal taxes. And whose federal taxes make up the difference? Red-state taxpayers who have voted for more responsible government. Fortunately, SALT was capped at $10,000 by Donald Trump in 2017; before that, the deduction was unlimited. But regardless of the amount, no one should be forced to subsidize the profligate government of another state, where they have no voice and no vote. —Georgia

Re: Latinos Against Illegal Immigration

I am all for LEGAL immigration. After all, every citizen of this country can trace their roots back to an immigrant relative coming to America and, for the most part, legally. My great-grandparents came from Ireland, Germany, and Poland, all before the 1920s when it wasn’t easy for them to come here or to be here. I am fourth generation and our family has successfully integrated, with more than 80 children over five generations born here and are at the point where we no longer speak Polish or German. Many are college or military-educated, work and support this country, and could never be Democrats (though my parents were for a while in Chicago because of the unions my father was in). If only Democrats understood what MAGA means. —Illinois

**Re: [Fact-Checking Biden’s Blustering SOTU BS]((

Thanks for dismantling Biden’s biggest lies for all to see. He is a case study of a lifelong pathological liar, and his dementia has exacerbated his disconnect with reality. Meanwhile, he occupies the most powerful political position in the world. —California

Well, screaming Joe Biden has managed to surpass Bill Clinton as the most prolific liar to ever occupy the White House! Clinton was greasier than an Arkansas pork sandwich, but Biden has none of Clinton’s phony charm. He is a mean, petty, and arrogant man who, with the help of his socialist handlers, is running our country into the ground. And his drool-bucket-carrying mass media has forever lost any journalistic integrity they once had. —New York

**Re: [WaPo’s ‘Fact-Check’ Pyramid Scheme of Pinocchios]((

Thank you, Patriot Post team, for always advancing the TRUTH. Glenn Kessler, like all of us, will stand before our Maker one day, and his ‘Pinocchios’ will not stand the test. He is an unfortunate soul but just what you would expect from a generational wealthy “white privilege” leftist. —Texas