The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Hypocritical Biden Hammers Netanyahu for Civilian Deaths

“Your cartoon of Hamas using a baby carriage is on target (no pun intended). They have used women and children in the past as shields when they attacked and Israel reciprocated. They are also waylaying the food convoys just as Somalian terrorists did before. All that aside, the Palestinians put them in the driver’s seat, so they are sadly reaping the harvest now. I wonder when the world will recognize what they are. And it is NOT pretty.” —Oregon

“World Central Kitchen does great work. It should be applauded for its efforts. It is, however, not a military tactician and has no business in an active war zone where mistakes means lives. No military in history has broadcast its every intent to save civilians and thereby left the cowardly enemy an escape schedule. Criticizing Israel equals pandering to its enemy, Hamas, but shallow thinkers just can’t help themselves.” —Washington

“Israel stood by the U.S. for 20+ years in Iraq and Afghanistan. It never questioned or complained about several mistakes we made over that time. Furthermore, Biden lacked taking responsibility for the 10 innocent people (all family and an American aid worker) the U.S. killed during the disastrous surrender and withdraw from Afghanistan. Biden, Blinken, and Kirby need to go yesterday. The Israelis should pay no mind to Biden and finish the job. They had a 9/11 event and have their work cut out for them. I don’t hear anyone in the Middle East complaining as much as Biden, accept for Iran. That’s very telling. No Arab countries in the area are offering safe harbor to the terrorists, and they’ve rolled up the welcome mat. Can’t wait for November.” —Oregon

Re: Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District Could Decide the Presidency

“I disagree with the description of Nebraska’s electoral allocation by congressional district as ‘knuckleheaded.’ It more accurately reflects the will of the state’s people than plurality-takes-all. If Minnesota had this commonsense rule, at least three of its 10 electors would have voted Republican in almost every election since 1972 (the last time Minneapolis Democrats didn’t pick all of the state’s electors). There are many states where a substantial portion of voters are overridden by one or two major population centers. The district allocation rule would be far more in keeping with the intent of the Electoral College provisions in the Constitution than either the prevalent plurality-takes-all or the national popular vote scheme.” —Minnesota

“Considering how many other states appear to be ‘all in’ based on one or two major population centers, I wonder how the electoral votes would look if ALL states followed Nebraska’s lead. How many votes would go to a Republican candidate from rural areas that are overruled by one major city that sends them all to a Democrat? If we looked at the number of counties won in the last election by Donald Trump, it appears that casting electoral votes based upon the congressional district could be a benefit to Republicans.” —Montana

Re: An Oil Slick of Biden’s Spilling

“I thought they were supposed to use the money derived from the sale of the SPR to replenish it. So the question is: What was a barrel of oil selling for at the time of the sale, and what is it now? Also, don’t forget that when Trump was president and oil prices were really low, he wanted to completely fill up the SPR. Schumer categorically blocked it because ‘we’re not going to give money to your oil-rich buddies,’ or words to that effect. Of course, when Biden became president and was floundering, Schumer was the first to wail for an emergency tap of the SPR.” —New York

Re: Leftmedia Dumps on Florida

“Ron DeSantis deserves much credit. But do not fail to correlate a demographic tidal wave. Baby Boomers are retiring and seeking communities into which they can peacefully spend their final years and dollars. Rationally, they avoid life-threatening winter weather. They need a reliable infrastructure providing modern comforts and convenience, especially healthcare support. Consistent law enforcement assures peace, attracts retail businesses, and reduces retail prices. Compounding this with a rational conservative government assures that Florida, Texas, and others are flourishing. States that deny or ignore this phenomena risk their economy for the next 20 or 30 years.” —Missouri

“Great article about people who like (and who don’t like) the DeSantis policies. If we can believe the numbers presented, after getting rid of incipient liberal Dems, the state still netted 200,000 conservatives. I’d say that made the state better in more ways than one.” —Pennsylvania

Re: The Left’s Lawfare Attack on John Eastman

“These people going after Eastman are the ones who should have their law licenses revoked in every state. From what I’ve just read, Eastman did nothing wrong; he followed the law in advising Trump. That is no reason to give him a bad time. The human trash that are giving him a bad time are the ones who should be ashamed of themselves and pay a very heavy price for their unlawful aggression.” —Iowa

Re: Public Schools Are Fully Funded Already

“Real per-student spending has tripled in the last 50 years, with only declines in student performance to show for it.” —Michigan

“In my area, the answer to budget problems is to close schools and turn them into storage facilities. They care not how much this impacts students and their families’ lives. They always hold a series of meetings to get ‘feedback’ and ‘input,’ but the authorities have already decided what is going to happen. A few years back, politicians convinced everybody that if we allowed the lottery and more gambling, the budget woes would magically disappear. But, alas, schools are still not ‘fully funded.’” —Kansas

Re: Silencing Dissent on Birth Control Is Anti-Autonomy

“A woman’s autonomy regarding what can or cannot be done to her body is understood up to the point of what it means with regard to another living human being in her womb. The decision to terminate the life of an unborn or newborn infant is clearly murder and has no justification based upon the pregnant woman’s autonomy.” —California

Re: Good News: Gen Z Takes Up Trades

“Best news I’ve read in weeks! This will be great for the country and for young people who will be able to make a good living (without mountains of debt) and outlast AI more successfully than their cubicle-bound counterparts. We are never going to be Star Treky enough that everything will be shiny and brand new so a computer can fix it all. There will always be old plumbing, HVAC systems, old cars, etc. that will still require an actual human with actual skills to fix them. I, for one, have a lot more respect for people with practical know-how than I do for most college graduates who can’t tie their own shoes.” —Pennsylvania