The Patriot Post® · Snopes Update: Ashley Biden's Diary Is Real

By Nate Jackson ·

Score another way-too-late admission for the “fact-checkers.” First, Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation real and revealed Joe Biden’s corruption. Now, Ashley Biden’s diary was unproven all too real and revealed Joe Biden’s creepy perversion.

A couple of weeks ago, the crack team of sleuths at Snopes — the amateurs who couldn’t tell the difference between The Patriot Post and a now-defunct left-wing parody site with a deliberately misspelled similar name — quietly changed the rating of their December 2022 story about Ashley’s diary from “unproven” to “true.”

The update cites Ashley Biden’s April 2024 letter to a New York judge saying, “I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online.”

About that…

Project Veritas obtained the diary from a private party but, as our Thomas Gallatin said in 2021, “was unable to verify the diary’s authenticity, never published any of its contents, and turned it over to law enforcement.” The diary was leaked to another source that published it online in October 2020.

The diary received virtually no attention until the FBI raided the home of independent journalist and Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe in search of it. O'Keefe was ousted from Project Veritas last year. Just last month, in part thanks to Ashley’s letter, the thief was sentenced to a month in prison for stealing it. Her accomplice awaits sentencing.

The bigger story about the diary was that it contributed to the mountain of evidence that Joe Biden is not the decent guy 81 million* voters were deceived into believing in 2020.

In one particular excerpt from the diary, Ashley revealed some serious personal troubles. “I have always been boy crazy,” she wrote. “Hyper-sexualized @ a young age … I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate).” She also detailed her struggles with drug addiction that resulted from all of this sexualization.

No wonder the FBI conducted that raid.

Snopes and other media outlets were arguably right to be skeptical in 2020 and 2021 until there was proof, though a 2021 FBI raid is pretty darn good proof. So was the 2022 guilty plea of the thief and the 2023 audio recording of Ashley admitting it. (Roughly the same could be said of Hunter’s laptop, which attracted a lot of FBI attention and legal action from the president’s son, who simultaneously denied it was actually his.) Instead, the Leftmedia’s fact-checking censors at Snopes waited a year and a half until Ashley herself admitted in a letter the diary was hers before quietly amending the story they waited more than two years to write in the first place.

Some of us knew Biden deserved every bit of that “Creepy Joe” moniker. The tragedy is that millions of Americans were not informed of these facts before casting their ballots for him, and that is gross dereliction of duty on the part of what should be a free press providing a check on people in power. Even now, when was the last time Biden was asked about his daughter or her diary?

Joe Biden likely at least behaved very inappropriately with his daughter, if not worse, contributing to her drug addiction. He exploited his drug-addled son to enrich his family. For years, he ignored his seventh grandchild because she was the product of Hunter’s infidelity. He was accused of sexual assault himself. And Jill Biden is propping up her husband in a sad episode of elder abuse.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is stuck in a courtroom as Democrat prosecutors and judges go after him for concocted felonies and phantom menaces. His true heinous crime, of course, was beating Hillary Clinton in 2016.

The Biden family is an American disgrace, and so are the journalists and “fact-checkers” who zealously cover for them while ceaselessly trashing Trump.

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