The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: DOD Diversity Committee Shuns Sunlight

“I have a large family. Many of them have served or are serving, and some have made careers out of it, so I hear a lot about the current state of the armed services. Many are keeping their heads down and trying to finish strong. None are recommending the services to the youth for the obvious reasons. DEI is destroying the foundations of our once-great military. Meritocracy is a requirement in the military if it’s going to run like a well-oiled machine. The idea of introducing divisive racial and sexual attributes as some kind of improvement probably came from a communist enemy. Merit has no color, and success is achievable at some level for almost all. DEI was introduced to hurt, not help, our services. Who and why?” —Oregon

“Ostensibly, DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. However, my interpretation of DEI means Destroying Enlistment Incentives. Prospective enlistees are probably deterred by what’s knowable about DEI from the news coverage and the ensuing controversy it creates wherever implemented. The certainty of a draft motivated my generation in the 1950s to enlist in the service of our choice rather then hoping to not get drafted a few years after high school when getting married or starting a career. My peers and I talked about such things. I’ll make a scientific wild guess that today’s generation of high schoolers has similar conversations without the concerns about a draft to influence their decisions.” —California

“President Biden and Defense Secretary Austin, with cooperation from Pentagon chiefs, have placed our nation in harm’s way. The prioritization of DEI over combat force readiness, the chaotic troop withdrawal and abandonment of strategic locations and billions in combat weapons and equipment in Afghanistan, and the depletion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for political purposes are alone worthy of impeachment of all involved. Should the current top military leadership’s misdirection and malfeasance be allowed to continue, Americans will only be able to observe and protest as our enemies increasingly threaten our allies and eventually us. Timely correction is essential for our nation’s security and survival.” —Florida

Re: Newsom 2024 v. Second Amendment — Firearm Fiction v. Facts

“The unmitigated arrogance of Gavin Newsom is rivaled only by the unmitigated ignorance of his leftist lemmings.” —California

“Newsom’s proposed 28th Amendment is both ridiculous and dangerous. California is among the states with the strictest gun control, yet firearm use by criminals there is as prevalent as anywhere else. As Alexander has noted previously, ‘Only law-abiding citizens abide by the law.’ Newsom and his Democrats are threatened by the Liberty enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Those are the obstacles to their status agenda, and we ALL better make sure they don’t discard the rights enumerated in our founding documents.” —New York

Re: Biden Desecrates Peace Officers Memorial

“Thank you for this very timely article correcting the Biden record on support for law enforcement officers. You noted, It’s interesting that he would assert ‘recommit’ because, unlike Biden and his ilk, we never wavered in our commitment to supporting our LEOs. Indeed, WE have NEVER wavered in our commitment, even here in Oregon, where our political leaders were among those leading the ‘defund police’ charge as they let our cities burn. God have mercy on our nation.” —Oregon

“Moreover, Biden desecrates our Constitution, the Rule of Law, and the entire country every day. He violates his oath ‘to support and defend’ every minute of every day.” —Minnesota

“Biden’s hypocrisy is as boundless as his lies.” —Michigan

Re: NYT Peddles Anti-Vax ‘Misinformation’

“The Epoch Times has been broadcasting ‘CCP Virus Outbreak’ daily for the past four years. Frankly, it’s gotten a bit annoying, reading the same regurgitated articles (and comments) about the eternal pandemic in an effort to keep preaching to the converted about COVID origins and harms related to the COVID drugs. I will say that the elusive phenomena known as ‘long COVID’ is the result of the spike protein, not exclusively the mRNA shots. My advice is DO NOT downplay the dangers of even a minor COVID infection that could result in serious autoimmune disorders or worsening of same. I find myself often berating the hammers pounding the vaccine nail; don’t overlook the other elephant in the room.” —Oklahoma

“Many seem not to understand that pretty much all vaccines will have an adverse effect on a (hopefully) small percentage of the population. The COVID vaccines are no exception. The question many apparently anti-vaccine authors don’t seem to answer is whether or not the population as a whole would be better or worse off without having had widespread vaccinations. I suspect (but of course can’t prove) that we would have had a much worse result without those vaccines. This is, of course, scant comfort to those who did experience a negative reaction.” —Florida

Re: Biden’s Big Freudian Slip

“From the frying pan into the fire. Correcting his description of the illegal aliens streaming over the border to ‘Hispanic citizens’ is just incorrect; they are NOT citizens. It would also be illegal for them to be ‘Hispanic voters,’ but that may be accurate if the Democrats get their way. Either way, I’m sure the Democrat Party is less than pleased with Joe’s accidental candor, but things like that happen when you put a dementia patient in front of a microphone.” —Georgia

Re: We Still Need Mothers

“What gives these people the right to destroy our traditions? Why do they feel they have the right to flaunt the fact they are gay or transgender in everyone’s faces? What satisfaction could a man possibly get from competing in women’s sports? Until this foolishness ends, this country is doomed.” —Illinois

Re: The Not-So-Inclusive Scouts of America

“Right on, Nate! You hit the nail square on the head. Today the Scouts are woke and very disappointing. Good luck to you and your scout group. Sorry, but I fear it all will go downhill from here!” —California

Re: Disney Stock Continues to Plummet

“This really made my day since I want to see consumers force every woke company to go under once they make it clear they are never returning to normal. Unfortunately, Disney has made that abundantly clear, so my advice to parents is to cancel Disney+ and invest in a streaming channel that shows old Disney movies and/or episodes of ‘The Wonderful World of Disney.’ Or go retro and buy a CD player, since there are lots of old Disney movies on CD, and you can provide wholesome entertainment for your kids without having to worry about monitoring content for perversion.” —Pennsylvania

Re: The Longest Armed Forces Day

“From a former Naval Aviator, a great tribute to Linda Mines and to the spouses and families of all of us who have served.” —Massachusetts

“When my lottery number was 13, I volunteered to avoid the draft. Best decision ever. After Vietnam, I served in the 101st at Ft. Campbell. I was assigned the dreaded funeral detail OIC. An outstanding NCO drilled, drilled, drilled until perfection was routine. Sobering experience. The most profound funeral message was delivered by a black pastor who declared, ‘Medals and ribbons are great, but honorable service merits genuine respect and gratitude.’” —Missouri