The Patriot Post® · Another Illegal Alien Murders an American Woman

By Emmy Griffin ·

On August 5, 2023, a mother of five named Rachel Morin disappeared while hiking on the popular Ma and Pa trail in Bel Air, Maryland. Her body was discovered in a culvert on August 6. She had been sexually assaulted and murdered. Her alleged killer is a Salvadorian gang member who entered the U.S. illegally as early as February 2023. He also sought asylum in Canada before being turned away by the Canadians.

Reports are that the illegal immigrant brutalized women in his wake. He fled his home country after murdering a woman there. In California in March 2023, he assaulted a nine-year-old girl and her mother during a home invasion, an assault that produced DNA linking him to Morin’s murder in Maryland. Morin may not have even been his last victim as he forged his way through the U.S. interior.

Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler gave an impassioned speech about the senselessness of this murder during a press conference. “We are 1,800 miles from the southern border here in Harford County,” he said. “This is the second woman in our county to be killed by illegal suspects. In both cases, they are suspects from El Salvador with ties to criminal gangs. [This] should not be happening. Victor Hernandez did not come here to make a better life for himself or for his family; he came here to escape a crime he committed in El Salvador.”

Sheriff Gahler is absolutely correct. Morin’s murder is the direct result of Biden’s facilitated invasion. Her blood is on his hands. Her children are without their mother because of the actions of this monster that Biden allowed in.

Morin’s is by no means the first death at the hands of an illegal immigrant. In Martinsburg, West Virginia, another Salvadorian gang member killed an American woman, and police found her body burning. This murderer had already done 22 years in an El Salvador prison and had a rap sheet a mile long.

And who can forget Laken Riley, the college student murdered by an illegal? Her alleged killer was a Venezuelan who entered the country illegally in September 2022. He played Biden’s “catch and release” border policy like a fiddle.

Biden sort of acknowledged Laken during his State of the Union address (he called her “Lincoln” after being heckled into attempting to say her name), but it was all in service to a cynical political ploy — trying to pin his own bad border decision on Republicans.

We know Laken Riley’s name and now Rachel Morin’s. But how many countless others go unremarked by the national news? How many other American mothers, daughters, fathers, and sons are dead because Biden turned a blind eye to the needs of the American people in an attempt to garner future Democrat voters via the southern border pipeline?

If we had a national database of illegal immigrant crime like our Mark Alexander has been calling for since 2022, we would know the answer. Frankly, the reason that one isn’t being set up is because it paints a pretty ugly picture for Democrats. It would expose the fact that other countries are emptying their prisons and mental institutions and foisting them on the U.S. It would even demonstrate once and for all that not all illegals are here for a better life.

It’s also not just murder; remember, tens of thousands of Americans die every year from fentanyl overdoses — a drug trafficked across Biden’s open border.

It’s poor consolation to all the American families grieving because their loved ones were assaulted and/or murdered by individuals who had no right to be in this country in the first place. Even one victim is one too many.