The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments
Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.
Re: Juneteenth Versus the Demo Hate Hustlers
“The recognition of Juneteenth as a national holiday drags this country further down the slippery slope toward reparations. Will Emancipation Day (April 16th) and all other days associated with emancipation be declared federal holidays? Constantly calling attention to past wrongs will not help the nation move past them. Juneteenth is bogus because slavery did not officially end until December 6, 1865, with the passage of the 13th Amendment.” —Florida
Re: Who Controls What You Can Say and Read?
“If Congress does not care enough to take on the real and tangible speech suppressors, what is to be done with the AI speech suppressors? Fact is, AI is something of a misnomer — it is only as smart as the garbage it accumulates and spits out. Garbage in, garbage out.” —Washington
“What will happen to freedom of speech and self-determination assured by the Declaration and the Constitution/Bill of Rights once the AI manipulators ramp up? The U.S. Naval Institute recently released a book, The Algorithms of Armageddon, and the title alone speaks volumes.” —Massachusetts
“On Facebook I did a search for your page and got its obnoxious AI ‘help,’ which first told me there was NO page titled ‘The Patriot Post.’ So I entered ‘Patriot Post’ in differing versions and received more AI ‘help’ notifying me there was a FB page for The Patriot Post, however it may be offensive due to its conservative points of view. Makes one wonder if I’d been searching for The New York Times page if I’d have received the same warning. I think not! Thanks for all you do to promote liberty over tyranny!” —New York
“Periodically, I discover my Patriot Post edition in my Spam folder. So, I have decided to access it on the website many times. If it is delayed or blocked, the website is my destination. Keep up the good work.” —California
“I rescue my Patriot Post from the Junk or Delete file every day. The censors are hitting you hard.” —Virginia
Re: The Competing Flags of Liberty and Oppression
“I think Nate Jackson describes this so-called Pride flag beautifully. Couldn’t have said it any better. People who are more concerned about their genitalia and what they do with it don’t really deserve a flag, or anything else for the matter. AND, we are supposed to celebrate this for the whole month of June. I think not!” —Arizona
Re: Supreme Court Says ATF Can’t Legislate
“It’s been almost seven years since the Las Vegas massacre, and aside from a bump stock controversy, little is said. What was the motive? How did he get an entire armory to his room without anyone (maids, security, desk staff, et. al.) noticing? If the FBI can identify every person with a MAGA hat within 100 miles of DC on January 6, it should be able to figure this one out and inform the public.” —New Hampshire
“The outcome of this decision should not just be limited to the ATF. Too many agencies of federal and state government make rules that have the power of law without any statute being passed by the legislative branch. This should also apply to the never-ending stream of executive orders.” —Tennessee
“In Trump’s America, women will live in fear of having their pregnancies monitored or facing punishment if they have an abortion; teachers are told what books they can teach in the classroom and grown adults who they can love and marry. (Biden campaign) In Biden’s America, men and women live in fear of having their social media monitored or facing punishment if they have an unsanctioned opinion; teachers are told what ideologies they must teach in the classroom and grown adults who they can support and vote for (or else ‘they ain’t black’).” —Georgia
“Vladimir Putin has offered a truce if Ukraine will exit Russian-claimed areas and drop its bid to join NATO. I’m no fan of the Ukrainian government, but this is ridiculous. When has any nation at war with another not been willing to cease hostilities if all of its demands are met? I’m sure even the terrorists of Hamas would honor a ceasefire, if only the Israelis would meet their demands and agree to kill themselves and their nation.” —Georgia
Re: Biden Ad Uses Marine Dead as Political Props
“There is no level of disgrace to which Biden will not stoop. Using the graves of Marines as a backdrop to propagate his lies is a new one.” —Connecticut
“Back when the media included some actual journalists rather than just gaggles of talkingheads, they would expose lies and misinformation. Now they propagate them on behalf of the political party they worship.” —Washington
Re: Decision Time: One America or No America?
“As long as the media makes money and attracts attention, they will push the hate-and-conflict agenda. Truth is not required and facts are an inconvenience. Skip the media show and talk to people, even if they are not of same thought. You might actually learn something that will surprise you.” —Washington
“This is the Left’s idea of erasing the accomplishments of ‘real’ women in society. The only problem is they are too stupid to understand they are on the chopping block themselves. When it happens to them, it will be funny to watch because they started it.” —Maryland
“Saw this coming. Shame it had to embarrass that lovely state, as I was totally convinced, all things considered, that such a ‘winner’ would come from California, New York, or Washington.” —New York
“Just like the Second Amendment. If they take away your guns, they WILL KILL YOU. In this case, being a Christian today is like having your faith taken away: no mention of God anywhere; loss of attendance in churches of all faiths; no moral code; disrespect for individuals and authority; no accountability for bad actions or deeds; no shame; no common sense. This country was founded by Christians and Jews, and the founding documents are a result of that Judeo-Christian thought and philosophy, among other basic truths and beliefs. The Founders were thinkers. Today’s young folks are, as David McCullough once succinctly put it, historical illiterates. And that will lead to their being led down the Road to Serfdom.” —Massachusetts