June 12, 2024

Biden Ad Uses Marine Dead as Political Props

There is a special well in hell waiting for Biden and any of his cadre who promote campaign lies using the bodies of our military dead as political props.

“He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world’s believing him.” —Thomas Jefferson (1785)

Well, that didn’t take long…

In my column on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, “The Last D-Day Vets Standing,” I reluctantly included a footnote: “Regrettably, the D-Day anniversary events were sullied with a campaign photo-op drop-in by Joe Biden, who according to The Washington Post, used the event to ‘draw on the memory of allies united against tyranny to highlight the stakes of his campaign and draw a pointed comparison with Donald Trump.’”

In other words, Biden wanted everyone hearing him to infer from his remarks that Trump is America’s Hitler.

In Biden’s official remarks, he declared: “Our democracy is only as strong as all of us make it, together. … Democracy is worth it. America is worth it. … Will we defend democracy? Will we stand together? … Democracy is never guaranteed. … And we saved democracy in our time as well.”

I presume in his deranged non compos mentis fog that “we saved democracy in our time” was a reference to the 2020 election, and “Will we defend democracy? Will we stand together?” will become his 2024 slogan. Biden left it up to Hillary Clinton to say what he really meant: “Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy. This November, all we have to do is vote.”

To be clear, when Biden frequently asks, “Is democracy still America’s sacred cause?” by “sacred cause” he is referencing the state as the Demos’ deity. When he autocratically demands that you “support democracy,” he means the “democratic socialism” advocated by his leftist cadres – statist authoritarian rule. Biden’s “democracy” is the antithesis of American Liberty.

Of course, the irony of his D-Day remarks is that Nazis were democratic socialists, and the centralization of government power Biden and his leftist cadres advocate is, singularly, the most perilous threat to American Liberty. The acquisition of such power never ends well.

To indoctrinate his low-info voters, Biden always refers to our nation as a “democracy” rather than what it actually is — a republic.

I noted further: “I would prefer not to sully this D-Day tribute by revisiting one of Biden’s BIG Lies, but I am compelled to do so because he and his adoring press publicists are already using the occasion to repeat the lie that in 2018, Trump called our war dead ‘suckers’ and ‘losers,’ and that he refused to visit Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris because he did not want to get his hair wet.”

Those libelous claims, citing unverified sources of course, originated with Leftmedia scribes at The Atlantic and parroted by CNN in 2020 — just ahead of the presidential election — almost two years after Trump’s visit to France to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, when he supposedly made those remarks.

As anyone who does not suffer from chronic Trump Derangement Syndrome knows, it didn’t happen. Even WaPo’s resident so-called “fact-checker” Glenn Kessler hedged on this fallacious claim, citing “murky facts,” after Biden recently repeated this “suckers and losers” lie three times — though, notably, Kessler did not issue a fact-check of “false” against Biden for retelling this slanderous and completely unverified claim.

Kessler notes that when former National Security Advisor John Bolton was asked about this nefarious claim, he declared: “I didn’t hear either of those comments or anything even resembling them.” As for why Trump was not able to helicopter to the American cemetery at Aisne-Marne, Bolton said: “I was there at the point in time that morning when it was decided that he would not go to Aisne-Marne cemetery. He decided not to do it because of John Kelly’s recommendation. It was entirely a weather-related decision, and I thought the proper thing to do.”

Kessler adds, “Bolton has particular credibility because he is a known Trump critic, having written a book … that depicts the president in highly unflattering terms.”

Fact is, Joe Biden has no credibility, having long established himself as a prolific serial liar. But as I anticipated, Biden’s media parrots promoted his “suckers and losers” lie repeatedly during Biden’s D-Day photo-op drop-in.

According to The New York Times: “Biden Visits a Military Cemetery That Trump Snubbed.” NPR: “Biden Visits Military that Trump Reportedly Said Was ‘Filled with Losers.’” ABC: “Biden Stops at WWI Cemetery Trump Didn’t Visit to Honor US Troops.” CNN: “Biden Visits Aisne-Marne Cemetery Trump Skipped in 2018.” HufPo: “Biden to Visit WWI Cemetery after Trump Refused to Honor ‘Suckers’ And ‘Losers.’” Ad nauseam…

In its pandering political hack job, under the headline, “In Visit to Military Cemetery, Biden Attempts to Draw Contrast with Trump,” NBC noted how Biden’s whole trip was a political charade: “Trump figured in virtually all of Biden’s remarks during his five-day visit.”

Of course, Biden would use the D-Day stop as a backdrop for his campaign, and despite his offensive overt politicization of this solemn observance, not only has he gotten a pass, but his media publicists continue to promote his disgraceful lies.

So, where are the so-called “fact-checkers” now? Of course, the same place these free speech suppressors have always been … in the Demos’ top pocket.

Despite Kessler’s hedge, The Washington Post not only repeated the “suckers and losers” lie but took it to the next level: “Biden Visits Cemetery in Bid to Combat ‘Trump Amnesia.’”

What is “Trump Amnesia”?

Well, according to WaPo: “The visit was part of a mounting effort by Biden and his campaign to resurface the worst memories of Trump’s turbulent four years in office — a push that has run squarely into a phenomenon pollsters have branded ‘Trump amnesia.’ With polls showing Americans giving Trump higher marks on several issues than they did while he was president — including on foreign policy — the 2024 contest could be determined by voters’ willingness to forget, according to political strategists and historians.”

Got that? I have written extensively about the grossly biased mass media and, more specifically, about media polling bias by design. We coined the term “Pollaganda Effect” to describe how the media uses its polling as political propaganda. But now the Leftmedia pollsters are concerned that voters might forget the propaganda they infused in them four years ago, and WaPo admits they even have a name for it, “Trump Amnesia.”

That’s right. Biden and his sycophants are worried that voters might actually recall that Trump’s record of domestic and foreign policy success was extraordinary, despite the media spin and the ChiCom Virus pandemic. This, despite the fact that no president has ever been more relentlessly assailed by the political and media enemies of Liberty than Donald Trump.

All that said, this week, Biden exceeded my assessment of how deranged he and his campaign cadre really are.

He released a campaign ad video running on Facebook and X, using the Aisne-Marne cemetery as a political prop backdrop. The heading reads: “I was honored to visit the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and pay my respects to those buried there. Those who served our country are heroes — not losers.” Seriously, he did that.

It then features a few disgraceful/disgruntled veterans reading the same “suckers and losers” lies, among other quotes taken out of context.

Even the leftist Daily Beast notes of The Atlantic’s fabrications, “Trump has denied making the remark … ever since The Atlantic first published his purported words in 2020.” Yes, nothing more than “purported” but still getting perpetuated.

Another version of Biden’s litany of lies on YouTube at least notes, “Source: The Atlantic,” for most quotes, but to the low-info Biden voter, that may seem like bona fide. While a few other quotes were accurate but truncated and out of context, all used a backdrop of flag-draped coffins and grave markers.

Unfortunately, there is one quote in that video that is accurate and in context — Trump’s disgraceful comment about former Sen. John McCain back in 2015: “He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured.” As I noted at the time, “Like McCain or not, fact is that as a naval aviator, the son and grandson of Navy admirals, he asked for additional combat missions over Vietnam. After being shot down, a badly injured McCain refused his captors’ propagandistic offers to leave his fellow POWs and return home, and thus he was a target for additional torture.”

I have a long list of friends who were also POWs with McCain, and the remark deserved a humble apology that never came. Unfortunately, the validity of the McCain quote gives credence to all Biden’s other “suckers and losers” lies.

I detest Trump’s sometimes reckless comments because they are detestable. In a column shortly after he took office, I warned against his propensity for saying stupid things, “Memo to POTUS: Stop Swapping Spit With Jackasses,” as many others also cautioned, but to no avail. Every time Trump was on a roll and had the potential of gaining broader support, he would say something offensive and derail the momentum.

That being said, there is nothing Trump said or did as president that remotely rivals the offense of Biden’s detestable use of military cemeteries and coffins as props for his political propaganda. There is a special well in hell waiting for Biden and any of his cadre who promote campaign lies using the bodies of our military dead as political props.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

Follow Mark Alexander on X/Twitter.

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