The Competing Flags of Liberty and Oppression
On Flag Day, let’s look at the quintessential American symbol versus its polar opposite, the pride flag.
Today is Flag Day, the day on which, in 1777, the Continental Congress authorized the first U.S. flag. Old Glory has long been a symbol of Liberty to the world, even in an imperfect nation of imperfect humans. The ideals it represents are timeless and eternal.
Americans ought to gladly unite under and around the flag. Our great nation is approaching its 250th birthday, and the flag transcends our many differences over those two and a half centuries. It represents the unity of the melting pot and the diversity of our people.
Its design is full of meaning, too. As Riley Gaines writes today at Fox News, “The American flag’s colors hold deep significance: red for valor and bravery, honoring the sacrifices of defenders of freedom; white for purity and innocence, reflecting foundational principles; and blue for vigilance, perseverance and justice, affirming our commitment to uphold the rule of law and ensure equal rights for all, as enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.”
Roughly 650,000 Americans died in battle to defend it, and another 539,000 died of noncombat-related causes while in service to it. The tri-folded flag is a fitting keepsake for their families.
We salute the flag, wave the flag, raise it at buildings around the country and at sporting events, wear it on our clothing, and put stickers of it on our cars. Most Americans view it positively.
Sadly, many don’t, and that is an indictment of what disgruntled leftists have done to divide us. They kneel rather than respect it and burn rather than fly it. And then they complain that if you do fly the flag, other people assume you support Donald Trump (who, by the way, just happened to be born on Flag Day). Gee, I wonder why that is.
Of course, I don’t wonder at all. Leftists increasingly detest the U.S. flag and the Liberty it represents. Instead, the flag they want everyone to bow down and worship — especially in June but also at many other times of the year — is the “pride” flag.
That malleable banner has changed over the years, as leftists are forever making “progress” and adding new categories of degeneracy to the ranks of the revered. They added the extra colors for so-called “transgender” people, as well as — bizarrely — certain minority skin colors. They call this monstrosity the Intersex-Inclusive Progress Pride flag.
The rainbow was originally God’s covenant sign to Noah that He would never again destroy the earth with a flood. Gender-confused people appropriated that sign to shake their collective fists at God’s design for marriage and for humans as male and female.
Their objective is to loudly celebrate what a small minority of mentally ill people do with their genitals. I wrote that earlier this month, explaining why Pride Month is gross.
Maybe that message is beginning to resonate with people. Gaines, a leading advocate for protecting women’s sports, said almost the same thing: “June has officially been designated as Pride Month, meaning we have a full 30 days set aside for a national celebration of what a specific group of people do with their genitalia.” Exactly!
Meanwhile, it’s not unheard of to paint a crosswalk with the colors of the American flag, though it’s pretty rare. Walking or driving on the flag seems an odd way to honor it.
Yet it’s become all the rage around the country to paint crosswalks, intersections, and staircases with rainbow colors to celebrate deviant sexual activity. And then to get angry and criminally charge anyone who dares to make a tire mark on the thing painted on a street.
That’s happened in Florida, West Virginia, Washington, and elsewhere already this month. Some dude burned out his truck on a mural, and some teens scuffed it up with their scooters (and got arrested).
Maybe don’t vandalize public streets with religious symbols about genitalia and that won’t happen.
More than sexual fetishes, the “pride” flag’s very name is detestable. As Jordan Peterson notes, pride is not a virtue; humility is. In fact, pride is the root of all sin.
Pride also means intolerance because if you’re immensely proud of what you do with your private parts, you can’t allow anyone else to think otherwise. The narcissism is astounding.
The pride flag is a symbol of authoritarianism, the very opposite of what the American flag stands for. The intolerance leads to punishing dissenters. Businesses practically feel compelled to put rainbows in their windows and redesign their logos. They treat it the way the ancient Israelites did by putting a lamb’s blood on their doorway so the angel of death would pass over.
Just to be clear, the Rainbow Mafia’s “justice” is a long way from the Lord’s.
The pride flag does not, as Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, a homosexual, says, symbolize “love and acceptance.” It does not, as he asserts, “signal to people who have sometimes feared for their safety that they’re going to be okay.” Buttigieg works for the most powerful man in the world, who flies the hideous pride flag at the White House and sends Justice Department goons after parents who object to it being in schools.
Try burning an American flag and then burning a pride flag and see what happens. Heck, try just saying something negative about pride on social media and watch your speech be censored.
Speaking of schools, the pride flag is also a symbol of indoctrination because gender cultists are so infatuated with themselves that they are grooming kids to join them. Their flag flies at the Department of Education (as well as numerous other government agencies). Schools around the country are putting grossly inappropriate books in libraries and other materials into curricula, clearly teaching children that anyone who doesn’t accept this debauchery is a bigot.
Even kids in Sunday School classes and Vacation Bible School are making the golden calf pride flag as a way to show “love” for all their neighbors. News flash: Love doesn’t mean accepting and celebrating every foolish, destructive, or wrong thing someone does.
The pride flag is a symbol of oppression and tyranny, the suppression of truth and any opinion that still values God’s design. The American flag, by contrast, represents Liberty. Which one would you rather salute?