The Patriot Post® · The DHS Religious Test

By Emmy Griffin ·

The Department of Homeland Security apparently doesn’t have its hands full enough — which is no wonder, as our southern border is a sieve.

DHS has decided to label a whole new group of Americans as “extremists.” According to a document obtained by America First Legal, if you are a former military member, religious, or support former President Donald Trump, you are a threat and a suspected domestic terrorist.

According to the excerpts — part of an ongoing series of document releases — the DHS advisory board was so worried about Americans that fit this description that they were pondering spying on them and purposely infiltrating a community with the objective of driving that community to rise up against undesirables and report those neighbors to the feds.

It should be noted that former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan of Russia-collusion-hoax infamy were included on this advisory board.

America First Legal Executive Director Gene Hamilton unpacked these findings in a recent interview, saying: “These shocking records reveal apparent unabashed partisanship on this Deep State committee. All efforts to weaponize the federal government against political opponents of the ruling regime should be stopped. We look forward to exposing more records in the coming days.”

This is yet another instance of the deep state targeting perfectly normal Americans because of political differences — which is something this partisan advisory board even admits. One excerpt states, “There is a political backdrop to all of this. It seems that most of the Domestic Terrorism threat now comes from supporters of the former president. It is not like you want a political advantage, but people have attacked the government and its institutions for the last six years.”

They know full well that what they are doing is tyrannical, and yet they are willing to commit false witness against the American people in order to ensure they get their way at the ballot box. Perhaps if they had access to the Ten Commandments, they would think twice about such an act of duplicity, but I digress.

This executive branch overreach, this level of partisan power coming from Biden’s bureaucrats, is hardly surprising. It seems that almost every agency and department has been weaponized to uphold this regime. Biden’s cronies at the Department of Education have called concerned parents “domestic terrorists.” The Department of Justice is prosecuting pro-lifers. And the FBI was busted classifying Catholics who attend traditional Latin mass as an extremist threat.

There needs to be a reckoning on this deep state interference and targeting of ordinary Americans. This bureaucratic tyranny is wholly unacceptable to any patriotic American.