January 17, 2022

Why Does Cardona Still Have a Job?

The infamous NSBA letter may have been solicited by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona.

The National School Boards Association (NSBA) has become infamous by virtue of its despicable letter to the White House that labeled ordinary concerned parents as “domestic terrorists.” The response from the Department of Justice (DOJ) was swift. Attorney General Merrick Garland gave credence to this nonsense by taking action. He used this letter as justification to start a new division of the DOJ to specifically investigate concerned parents, i.e., “domestic terrorists.”

Parents deeply resented being called “domestic terrorists” when all they were attempting to do was voice their concerns with the direction that their children’s education was going. There were, and still are, valid issues that responsible and loving parents would take umbrage with their child being taught such as transgender bathrooms in schools, Critical Race Theory ideology and racial essentialism, mask-wearing rules, remote learning, and pornographic literature being accessible to students or used as a part of the curriculum. As a result, the gubernatorial race in Virginia was won by the Republican candidate, Glenn Youngkin, who ran on confronting these issues.

However, there is a big plot twist in the NSBA saga, namely that Education Secretary Miguel Cardona may have solicited the original letter. This was uncovered by a group called Parents Defending Education. Through the Freedom of Information Act, it found a series of suspicious emails that suggest Cardona asked the NSBA to write the letter. To add credence to the sketchy nature of this supposed backroom deal, NSBA President Viola Garcia was appointed to a swanky position on the National Assessment Governing Board.

Some are calling for Secretary Cardona to resign. Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) voiced just that. She called this whole series of events a “war on parents.” She added: “It should outrage every family across this nation. I hear it from my district they’re outraged. Parents have a right to speak up at school boards. They have a right and a say in their kids’ education. They have a right to access curriculum, and the fix was in on this, Harris. This was the Biden administration through the senior level cabinet official soliciting the letter that they used as a justification to target parents.”

This hasn’t stopped the madness. The DOJ still has a new domestic terror unit whose job it is to investigate the sort of allegations laid out in the NSBA letter. As our Douglas Andrews notes: “Why did Joe Biden’s Department of Justice decide to form a new domestic terrorism unit? We all know the answer. If you’re a neo-Nazi or a Donald Trump supporter or a concerned parent or a COVID realist, the Democrats might just want to keep a closer eye on you — you know, just in case you get a bit carried away in your exercise of the First Amendment.”

If this allegation against Cardona is proven to be true, parents will voice their outrage. And one thing that has been proven again and again lately is that if you go to war with concerned parents, you are going to lose.

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