The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: An Implosion of Presidential Proportions

“When I was in high school, we had a show featuring a trampoline artist. Part of his act was to bring a student up onto the stage. He picked a grossly overweight, obviously uncoordinated boy and then proceeded to put him on the trampoline and make a complete fool of him. The laughter was uproarious, but I sat there, mortified. Why don’t the teachers stop this? Why are they letting him abuse that boy? Joe Biden was the ‘boy on the trampoline’ Thursday night, and his wife and handlers were the ‘teachers’ who could have stopped it but didn’t. As it had in high school, it made me feel nauseated.” —Pennsylvania

“Trump’s self-restraint was admirable when he didn’t respond to Creepy Joe’s ‘morals of an alley cat’ accusation. The door was wide open for Trump to throw Biden’s shower-with-the-daughter proclivity (as attested by his daughter, Ashley) right back at him. But he refrained. That said, why has Trump in particular and Republican officials in general stopped parrying the Democrats’ ‘you stopped our (lousy) bipartisan immigration deal’ charge with the fact that HR2 was passed in early 2023 and remains undebated in the Democrat-controlled Senate? The Republicans have already done their job on the issue. Say so! And three cheers for debates without audiences! I hope it becomes the standard for future debates at all political levels.” —Florida

Re: Voters Are Ignorant About ‘Democracy’

“Biden was correct when he stated, ‘Trump is a danger to our democracy,’ because he was referring to the socialist democracy with which he and his fellow travelers in the Democrat Party have been working to supplant America’s republican form of government for the last century and a quarter. Unfortunately, there are many people who, under the banner of the Republican Party, also support the efforts of the Democrats. I believe Trump’s heart is in the right place, and I sincerely hope his relatively brief experience with DC politics has thoroughly flushed the naïveté from his system so that he can approach his second term with eyes wide open.” —Kentucky

Re: No Troops Died? What Trump Should Have Said

“Of course, Democrats and the media are singing the praises of Biden’s first-term ‘accomplishments,’ refusing to acknowledge or report on the ineptitude of his leadership and administration. His knee-jerk decision to abandon Afghanistan without proper planning and resultant loss of countless innocent lives and billions of military material resources alone constitute credible grounds for impeaching him and a number of acquiescing senior defense officials for dereliction of duty. Our nation can ill afford four more years of a dysfunctional Biden administration, and those who entertain such a notion can only be described as delusional or even traitorous.” —Florida

Re: Supreme Court Shirks Protecting Free Speech

“The debate we need to have surrounds this question of standing. This case implicates the relationship between the SEVERAL states and the federal government, so we must ask who can, should, and may protect citizens’ rights. If the federal government can impose or negate actions by a state or commonwealth in favor of citizens’ rights, shouldn’t the latter — as members of the United States federation — be able to return the favor?” —California

“We ALL have standing, because government infringement of free speech hurts ALL of us. We don’t get to hear a free and wide-ranging discussion of the events of the day in order to find out the truth of the matter.” —California

“I’m beginning to think that the Court is trying to appease the Left. I have news for SCOTUS: The Left is never gonna like it, no matter if it avoids the tough cases. So, do what you took an oath to do, and stop ‘punting’ on tough calls.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Friday: Below the Fold

“After the recent disappointment of SCOTUS punting on government collusion with social media, it was a breath of fresh air for it to overturn the Chevron decision that has for four decades hamstrung judicial review of executive-branch bureaucrats’ overreach. While Democrats will certainly howl about another case of ‘settled law’ being undone by ‘radical’ conservatives on the Court, most of the leftist rabble will never really understand how big a loss this was for them. But this decision is actually quite far-reaching (a refreshing change from the Roberts Court’s usual narrow rulings). A good first place to apply it: the Education Department’s unilateral trans rewrite of Title IX.” —Georgia

“The most overlooked mentally ill in our society are the ‘climate change’ lunatics. I’ve never seen such an awful bunch of mean antagonists anywhere else. Climate change is a money-raising theory that replaced the ‘imminent ice age’ scare of the 1960s.” —Indiana

Re: American Anti-Semitism, Unpacked

“The USA has within it two forces driving its rush to destruction. The first is a failed education system that began to fail the day the national government established a Department of Education. Students today derive no meaning from school and are easily pulled toward crazes. The second is a determined pack of various types of fascists — Democrats, socialists, communists, neo-Marxists, and globalists — who benefit from chaos and who have wealthy supporters who fund it. Out of chaos comes dictatorship, they fervently believe.” —Texas

Re: Gender-Confusion Month Ends but Is Never Over

“As is often correctly observed, the Left destroys everything it touches. In this case, the selection of June as ‘Pride Month’ was deliberately destructive. June was once the most popular month for real men to put rings on the fingers of real women as part of ceremonies of solemn promise of a lifetime of matrimonial commitment. The Left, in its rebellion against God and the blessings of a godly society, determined to show its contempt for this primal social institution by celebrating the grossest perversions in the traditional wedding month.” —Minnesota

Re: ‘Mom-Shaming’ Has Got to Go

“Modern leftists have largely abandoned the concept of shame of any kind except for their woke cancel culture. Rejecting especially any sort of self-shame, they have instead embraced its polar opposite: pride, the worst of the seven deadly sins. Now that ‘Pride Month’ is thankfully over, perhaps it would be a good idea to dedicate a month or two to examining the positive aspects of shame and humility.” —Georgia

Re: Thursday Short Cuts

“With respect to the people from Central Asia, we have no evidence that they are individuals plotting to harm the United States.” —Alejandro Mayorkas

“Right. And the Left says there’s scant evidence of fraudulent voting or illegal aliens voting in our elections. The Department of Homeland Security has no evidence for believing the tens of thousands of border-crossing children that it’s lost in its system have been trafficked. Hunter’s laptop and his sister’s diary were ‘fakes’ … until proven real. You never see any evidence about anything if you actively avoid seeing it. That’s the whole idea: plausible deniability.” —Georgia

Re: Profiles of Valor: Dave Hill — Last Ranger Standing

“Thanks for this profile on a fellow (former) Californian and Vietnam vet. Right there with you, Dave!” —California