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July 1, 2024

No Troops Died? What Trump Should Have Said

About Biden’s BIG Lie that no American military personnel died on his watch…

Remember in 2022 when Joe Biden was asked in a “60 Minutes” interview if he was “fit for the job”? Biden responded: “Watch me. And ma— honest to God, that’s all I think. Watch me. If you think I don’t have the energy level or the mental acuity, then — then, you know, that’s one thing. It’s another thing, you just watch and — and, you know, keep my schedule.”

Well, only Biden’s power-seeking circle thought he was “fit for the job” in 2020, and the Demo epidemic of Trump Derangement Syndrome got him elected. Since he took office and the nation has watched the unfolding domestic and foreign policy disasters, only his most deranged sycophants still think he is fit for office.

Of course, most of us on the right side of American Liberty knew Biden didn’t have “the energy level or the mental acuity” to lead our nation into anything other than the abyss. After Biden’s epic debate implosion last week, it is even more likely, as I have asserted for 20 months, that key Demo strategists have had a convention replacement strategy in place for six months. If so, that creates a more difficult path to the presidency for Donald Trump.

That speculation aside, it is worth noting that Biden did accomplish one thing in the debate: He reestablished his long-held standing as leader of the “lying dog-faced pony soldier” cavalry. He bald-faced lied his way into a long list of fact-checks that even some of his most adoring Leftmedia talkingheads and scribes couldn’t cover up.

But there was one particularly bold lie among Biden’s most egregious, and immediately verifiable as such, that CNN moderator Jake Tapper allowed Biden to tell unchallenged. And the other leftist so-called “fact-checkers” refused to call this one out after the Biden debacle.

According to Biden, no military personnel died on his watch: “And the military — you know, when he was president, they were still killing people in Afghanistan. He didn’t do anything about that. When he was president, we still found ourselves in a position where you had a notion that we were this safe country. The truth is, I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any — this — this decade — doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did.”

Now, that is an astounding load of bullpucky right there!

Trump immediately objected, asking, “Am I allowed to respond to him?”

Tapper, who knew Biden’s assertion was patently false, diverted to a question about tariff taxes, but Trump did not take the bait, declaring, “As far as Afghanistan is concerned, I was getting out of Afghanistan, but we were getting out with dignity, with strength, with power.”

Trump later added: “[Biden] was so bad with Afghanistan, it was such a horrible embarrassment. … Putin watched that, and he saw the incompetence. … No general got fired for … Afghanistan, where we left billions of dollars of equipment behind, we lost 13 beautiful soldiers. … And by the way, we left people behind too. We left American citizens behind. When Putin saw that, he said … this was his dream [to invade Ukraine]. … The difference is he never would have invaded Ukraine. Never.”

Trump was right, both in his exfil strategy from Afghanistan and the fact that Biden’s botched exfil empowered Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, knowing he would face little resistance from Biden. Neither of these foreign policy failures nor the Iranian surrogate attack on Israel would have happened under a second Trump term.

By way of the timeline, in August 2021, we outlined the American military personnel killed on his watch: “The Consequence of Biden’s Ineptitude: 13 Dead American Patriots.” We then noted his botched retaliatory drone strike, which ended up murdering 10 innocent civilians, including an aid worker and seven children.

In September, I provided a comprehensive account of “Biden’s Deadly Afghanistan Surrender and Retreat,” noting that Trump’s strategy was right — but Biden discarded that plan. I thoroughly debunked Biden’s efforts to blame his botched withdrawal on Trump, noting Biden’s ruse: “The faux line the administration is pushing goes like this: Biden ended the longest war. The exit was difficult, but that was Trump’s fault because he negotiated with the Taliban, and thus, he bears the blame. But thanks to Biden, we are out, and all is good.”

That is a colossal dumper of pig manure. Fact is, Trump never would have proceeded with the withdrawal after the Taliban wantonly violated all the terms he had set forth.

Three months after Biden’s deadly Afghan retreat, we outlined in detail Vladimir Putin’s plans to invade Ukraine, which would come two months later.

I wrote then: “Understand that China and Russia are tag-teaming, testing Biden’s lack of resolve to confront authoritarian tyrants, as aptly demonstrated by his disastrous surrender and retreat from Afghanistan. That test case demonstrated that Biden was not willing to take on the Taliban, a far less threatening adversary than either the Russian or Chinese dictators. There is no question Xi and Putin know Biden is a feckless appeaser. … When Trump was in office, the coward Putin cowered.”

So, while Trump attempted to correct Biden’s debate lies about Afghanistan, knowing what we do today about the consequences of Biden’s deadly foreign and domestic policy failures, here is the answer I would like to have heard Trump deliver: “Joe, how many civilians have died on your watch?” (The answer is tens of THOUSANDS.)

And then he should have let this one rip — words we have repeated many times: “The slaughter of tens of thousands of men, women, and children in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Israel is the direct result of Joe Biden’s lethal foreign policy ineptitude. The violent assaults on thousands of Americans by illegal aliens is the direct result of Biden’s lethal open border policy. The dramatic surge of violent crime across America is the direct result of Biden’s condemnation of cops and appeasement of thugs. The blood of all those victims is on Biden’s hands, and those who enabled him.”

Finally, some Gold Star parents of those killed in Afghanistan have spoken up regarding Biden’s lie – and his lack of any apology.

Darin Hoover, father of SSG Darin Taylor Hoover – one of the 13 Americans killed in Kabul on 26 August 2021 – had this to say: “You know, the stumbling, bumbling buffoon that we have in the White House had the audacity to say that under his watch that no military members have died. The rage, the absolute disgust that I got, from hearing him say that… He’s never acknowledged, not one time, any of our kids. He’s never said their names. Even to this day, I doubt very seriously that he even knows their names. [Biden] doesn’t want to deal with us. He knows that we’re in his face, and he doesn’t want to deal with us.”

SSG Hoover’s Mom added: “What I would say to them is shame on you using our children as a pawn. It just makes me sick. All the 13 families get a canned letter. It said the same exact same thing. And it looked like it was a photocopy of all of that. We’ve had absolutely nothing before, nothing since.”

Of course, Biden and his Demos have a long and sordid history of [denigrating American military personnel](].

Moving forward, while all the focus has been on Biden’s age, the focus now must be on Biden’s failed domestic and foreign policies so that record can be hung around any Democrat who replaces him at the convention.

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