The Patriot Post® · Leftmedia Hacks Admit to Lying About Biden's Decline

By Nate Jackson ·

If the Leftmedia’s intrepid journalists actually got duped (spoiler: they didn’t), then how can they be trusted for anything? And if they weren’t duped, then how can they be trusted for anything?

That’s the no-win situation these liars and propagandists have created for themselves, and it’s one of the prevailing stories after Joe Biden’s near-apocalyptic debate implosion 10 days ago.

Democrats are in full-blown panic, privately and publicly pushing the president to bow out of the race, grasping for any way to replace him on the ballot. Joe and Jill Biden are stubbornly insisting he ain’t going anywhere. (And that the real problem, they insist, is that Donald Trump wouldn’t leave the White House.) All the while, Leftmedia talkingheads and scribes are feigning shock and dismay that the real evidence of Biden’s cognitive decline has been hidden from them all this time exposed so much that they can no longer hide it.

A contender for funniest headline comes from CNN’s Hadas Gold: “Biden’s mental fitness could have been better covered leading up to the debate, some White House reporters acknowledge.”

Ya think?

Why didn’t they? State media reporters are on Team Biden, and Gold admits as much:

Several White House reporters told CNN that the coverage of Biden’s age and his mental stamina should have pushed harder. They cited several difficulties in doing so before the debate — from the obvious political motivations of sources who either want to protect Biden’s image or project a certain image, to the blowback from pursuing such reports, especially from the White House and Democrats.

That’s right — reporters didn’t want to make Democrats angry or lose any elections.

Another example: “When did members of Biden’s inner circle know about the president’s steep decline?” a clearly dismayed Nicole Russell asks for USA Today, as if this is some great secret hidden from diligently searching reporters. “It’s clear, based on his debate performance and other gaffes we’ve seen in public, that Biden’s decline must have been obvious to those closest to him.”

News flash: It was obvious to those of us who aren’t close to him, too. Our Douglas Andrews wrote in November 2020, “Joe Biden Is Unfit for the Presidency.” Our Mark Alexander wrote in March 2021, “Clearing the Path for Harris to Bump Biden.” Just days before the debate, I reported on the media’s dismissal of videos of Biden’s decline as “cheap fakes.” Those are just three of dozens of examples from our pages, never mind the massive pile from other conservative media.

Yet Gold says the reports from “right-wing media” were precisely why the Leftmedia didn’t report it, lest they be found “giving credence to some people that were actually of bad faith.” Gold and her ilk are the ones acting in bad faith.

Another fantastic example of the panic amidst the president’s Leftmedia supporters is Olivia Nuzzi’s scoop for New York Magazine. “The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden,” reads the headline followed by the hilariously obtuse subtext, “The president’s mental decline was like a dark family secret for many elite supporters.”

As Joe would say, Give me a break! That’s a bunch of malarkey!

Her entire piece is about the hush-hush nature of Biden’s decline, which she admits she saw — and reported, she’ll have you know! — in 2020. Yet she was horrified by experiences with the president in recent days and felt she finally had to really say how bad it is. She and others didn’t more vigorously sound the alarm for many reasons, but one is the great lie that Biden is a decent man. “I always thought — and I wrote — that he was a decent man,” Nuzzi gushed. “If ambition was his only sin, and it seemed to be, he had committed no sin at all by the standards of most politicians I had covered.”

More malarkey.

Nuzzi’s article was published on July 4, ahead of Biden’s not-so-reassuring interview with Curious George Stephanopoulos. In his analysis of that interview, our Douglas Andrews lays bare the real story here: “They didn’t cover the story back then because they were thoroughly invested in defeating Donald Trump, and they knew that any talk of Biden’s cognitive state would hurt their team. And now they’re covering the story because reality has interceded to tell them that, try as they might, they won’t be able to once again drag their guy’s carcass across the finish line against Trump.”

Meanwhile, we learned over the weekend — from The New York Times, no less — that Team Biden provided approved questions to two radio interviewers of the president. Both radio hosts are black, and one of them lost her job (or resigned) after the report. What was the White House message? If you don’t ask these questions, you ain’t black?

The president still has loyal followers in the press, of course. For example, the “fact-checkers” at USA Today and Snopes are each out with stories defending his saying “end of quote” while reading from a teleprompter. He meant to do it, they’ll have you know.

That’s funny until you make a social media post mocking Biden for saying it, and then your post or your account is suppressed.

Then there’s this new gem unearthed by — who else? — the same New York Post that exposed Hunter Biden’s laptop and Joe’s corruption. Biden’s physician met with a Parkinson’s disease specialist in the White House in January. Why? The White House naturally doesn’t want that news out there and “refused to answer questions” from the Post. Leftmedia reporters aren’t even half-heartedly trying to find out.

They say if I vote for Donald Trump, he’ll never leave the White House. They say if I don’t vote for Joe Biden, “democracy” will perish. Well, Trump already left once, albeit rather reluctantly. Biden is the one who won’t leave now, proving that his hysterics about “threats to democracy” are as meaningless as the words he struggles mightily to get out of his mouth.

Of course, it’s not really Biden’s age or possible Parkinson’s that has people ticked. It’s his terrible policies that have yielded rampant and lasting inflation and a border that’s wide open for dangerous men to walk right across. Increasingly, people are also angry at a detestable and lying media that would rather prop up an ailing and incapable old man than see Trump win in November.

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