June 18, 2024

Have You Seen the ‘Cheap Fake’ Videos of Biden’s Dementia?

Democrats and their Leftmedia propagandists don’t want you to believe your lyin’ eyes.

Joe Biden is a spry man with boundless energy and a keen intellect, he and his handlers will have you know. Pay no attention to the videos you’re seeing with your own lying eyes.

In recent weeks, Joe Biden has been to Europe twice, appearing old, feeble, and utterly lost on various occasions. He appeared to try to sit down at the wrong moment. He seemed to wander off in a field. He behaved strangely with foreign leaders, kissing heads instead of shaking hands, for example. Likewise, at a fundraiser with Barack Obama back here at home, he didn’t know what to do and Obama had to lead him off stage. He seemed to freeze at a Juneteenth celebration as Kamala Harris and others danced beside him.

You get the idea. Or at least you thought you had the idea.

“Joe Biden is a healthy, wise 81-year-old ready and willing to work for you every day to make our future better,” insisted First Lady Elder Abuser Jill Biden. “Joe isn’t one of the most effective presidents of our lives in spite of his age but because of it.” As we’ve said many times, Jill Biden could’ve kept us from this. Instead, she embarrasses her husband and her country every day by perpetuating the fraud that is Joe Biden.

In a similar fashion, White House propagandist Karine Jean-Pierre is here to disabuse you of the notion that what you just saw is what happened.

“These right-wing critics of the president have a credibility problem,” she huffed about so-called “cheap fake” videos. “Some of your news organizations have, have been very clear, have stressed that these right-wing, the right-wing critics of the president have a credibility problem because of the fact-checkers have repeatedly caught them pushing misinformation, disinformation.”

Fact-check: It is KJP and the “fact-checkers” who push misinformation and disinformation.

Case in point is NBC. “Misleading GOP videos of Biden are going viral,” the “news” organization headlined. “The fact-checks have trouble keeping up.” As conservatives marvel and laugh at the joke that is Joe Biden, it’s even more hilarious to see leftists lose all sense of humor.

Heck, they’re “fact-checking” whether Biden pooped his pants. If you’re doing that, you’re losing. And a loser.

Back to KJP, she added, “Instead of talking about the president’s performance in office — and what I mean by that is his legislative wins, what he’s been able to do for the American people across the country — we’re seeing these deepfakes, these manipulated videos. And it is, again, done in bad faith.”

Biden’s “wins” have cost the American people dearly, so I don’t think that turf is really where KJP wants to fight. Either way, for now, the point is his cognitive decline.

Once upon a time, a press secretary’s job was to communicate with the press on behalf of the president. Today, it’s to lead the press in a unison effort to gaslight Americans. After all, she was responding to a “question” from a pool reporter about “a rash of videos that have been edited to make the president appear especially frail or mentally confused.”

Pro tip: No editing is required, even if videos are clipped for time and emphasis. Besides, where is the Left’s evidence of Biden videos being “deepfakes”?

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace, a veteran of the Bush White House communications team, complained, “There’s a growing and insidious trend in right-wing media … to take highly misleading and selectively edited videos of President Biden … and use those videos to spread messages virally to cast doubt on President Biden’s fitness for office.”

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough got the memo, decrying “cheap fakes” and “vicious lies” while insisting, “Even critics were saying that he did a strong job, very good job representing the United States.”

Eric Schultz, Obama’s senior adviser, replied to the video of Obama leading Biden off stage, saying, “This did not happen.” Uh, yes, it did. It’s on video.

Meanwhile, last Friday was Donald Trump’s 78th birthday. He’s not young, that’s for sure, but the three years between him and Biden might as well be three decades. Nevertheless, The Washington Post headlined, “Donald Trump, potential future oldest president, turns 78.” Get it? Biden’s not the only one who’s old!

Democrats and the Leftmedia seem united in one job: Telling the American people that our own eyes deceive us. The economy’s great, the U.S. is respected in a peaceful world, and Joe Biden’s elevator goes all the way to the top.

Well, we know the truth: He’s sharp as a marble.

Follow Nate Jackson on X/Twitter.

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