The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Biden Bows to the Pressure

“No one will say it, but Trump made a huge strategic mistake in debating Biden before his actual nomination. While he may still win in November, as the article states, it’s not the slam dunk folks believe it is. The biggest impact will be in the down-ticket races, which is the actual reason the Democrats dumped Biden. In a perfect world, Trump would have restrained his ego and not debated Biden until September, after he had been officially nominated at the DNC. With no time to replace him, the Democrats would have suffered a down-ticket debacle. Trump did the Democrats a huge favor by debating Biden in July, giving them time to dump him and regroup. We’ll know in November.” —California

“Although no one is surprised at Joe Biden’s exit from the race (except perhaps Biden himself), I must say I’m a bit disappointed by one thing: I was really looking forward to the vice-presidential debate between J.D. Vance and Kamala Harris, which would likely have been as entertaining a trouncing as the Trump/Biden debate a month ago.” —Georgia

Re: Republicans Say Biden Needs to Go

“Our dear leader couldn’t be replaced until his replacement had already consolidated power. This is the pattern in all leftist dictatorships. What remains to be seen is whether it is more advantageous to ascend now or wait for the election. Either way, the power is still held in the same hands.” —Maine

Re: Secret Service Director Resigns After Stonewalling Congress

“This administration takes no responsibility or accountability for its actions. If something goes wrong, either it is somebody else’s fault or the directors stonewall. They definitely reflect the Democrat Party by telling a lie long enough so that eventually people begin to believe it as truth. I just hope things change with the election this fall. You may not personally like Donald Trump, but he offers a path out of this willful and blatant disregard for our country.” —Illinois

“Kim Cheatle was not allowed to resign prior to doing her penance for the massive and embarrassing failures. She had to accept responsibility, and that meant that she had to sit for three-plus hours listening to congressmen and women call her every name in the book. Then she could resign and retain her pension.” —Arizona

Re: Biden’s Bullheaded Student Loan Debt Gambit

“The president doesn’t have the authority to ‘expand’ laws or make them retroactive. The Constitution clearly prohibits Congress from passing ex post facto laws and denies to the president any authority to write or rewrite any laws. The courts should shut down this gambit also and cite the administration for contempt of court for its frivolous attempts to evade the Constitution.” —Minnesota

Re: What Are Rare Earth Metals, and Why Should We Care?

“The United States needs to start a rare earth minerals mining operation on the scale of the Manhattan Project, and simultaneously develop an industry to process those minerals. We have known deposits of rare earth minerals, and despite the environmental concerns, our national security is at stake. Over the past 50-70 years, we have learned a lot about the environmental impact of mining operations and can devise and enforce methods to mitigate or limit environmental damage. The same goes for limiting pollution while processing the rare metals. Additionally, we can partner with other friendly countries in mining and processing operations.” —California

Re: The Fractured Olympic Games Begin

“In my opinion, one of the main problems is the location of the games relative to America. In the last 20 years, only one was anywhere near American time zones — Rio. Los Angeles in 2028 is maybe when things will turn around. With Paris, events in the evening will be here in the morning, but earlier events are in the middle of the night. At least Asian games are reversed for us: morning games in evening and vice verse.” —Illinois

“I used to watch the Summer and Winter Olympics from opening ceremony till closing ceremony. I do not watch them at all anymore.” —Pennsylvania