The Patriot Post® · DEI Is Dying in the Private Sector, but Not in Government

By Emmy Griffin ·

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) really gained traction after the 2020 George Floyd riots. Companies were desperate to not look racist, so they bent the knee to the demands of communist-leaning, outcome-obsessed policies.

DEI came to mean hiring into key positions individuals with the approved race, gender, or sexual orientation regardless of their abilities. Leftist equity only means equal outcomes.

For example, in Hollywood, that meant ridiculous rules about who could do what. White men — and to some extent white women — were actively discriminated against. Unsurprisingly, propaganda films that no one wanted to see began to flop. What finally seemed to break the spell was seeing the success of movies without political agendas. This summer, “Twisters” and “Horizon: An American Saga” were good, woke-free surprise films.

In the corporate world, the consumer statement has been made astonishingly clear. Customers aren’t interested in DEI — a fact that Anheuser-Busch learned the hard way, followed by Target. More recently, John Deere and Tractor Supply Co. got a dose of reality in that department as well. These latter two companies don’t want to be Bud Lighted because their revenue and integrity are more important than their political causes.

Now the tech sector is getting hit. According to law professor Glenn H. Reynolds:

Shockingly, calling attention to people’s differences, and handing out goodies based on those differences, doesn’t promote fellow-feeling. Businesses and colleges are catching on: Microsoft recently laid off its DEI team, becoming the latest company to ditch woke policies. Other tech companies like Google and Meta are also slashing their DEI programs, along with Zoom, Snap, Tesla, DoorDash, Lyft, Home Depot and Wayfair.

The Silicon Valley tech bros are also being hit hard by the downturn in the economy, burgeoning Artificial Intelligence, and the prospect of four years of Kamala Harris. They don’t like what they see, and they don’t really like what that means for their bottom lines, either.

Colleges have likewise been slashing their DEI departments. Some want to hide their DEI hires elsewhere while still promoting the tainted “equity” message. However, some are earnestly realizing that basing admissions and hiring on superficial attributes like skin color, LGBTQ+ membership, or gender don’t actually produce better outcomes. It is competition and diversity of thought that spur real achievement.

As our Mark Alexander recently wrote, “Some big universities are being forced to get on board, including those in the Texas University system, which have slashed their DEI staff. It is past time, given the exposure of Ivy League antisemitism pretending to be ‘tolerance and diversity,’ that institutions of ‘higher education’ wake up.”

The private sector is getting the picture that these Marxist ideas aren’t going to inspire corporate flourishment. Now attention needs to be turned to the public sector.

Public schools are being infiltrated by DEI nonsense, and these institutions are indoctrinating our young kids and youth.

The Secret Service has demonstrated the dangers of DEI. Secret Service agents failed utterly to protect former President Donald Trump. Regardless of the bravery of the women protecting him, they cannot block a bullet with their bodies if he is several inches taller.

Finally, we come to Kamala Harris. She is the ultimate DEI hire. Joe Biden himself announced that he was only going to pick a woman for vice president. Harris is otherwise incompetent and unqualified for the position — and Democrats voters didn’t even really get a say in her coronation as the heir apparent to Biden.

America was founded on the idea that your background doesn’t matter. If you work hard, you can succeed — and that is true across the board. The radical Democrat Party only cares about being “historic” in terms of firsts. And the only thing “historic” about a Harris presidency would be how quickly this nation further sinks.

In a fair world, the November election would be about who has done the best job — and nothing else. You can be the most womanly woman and the most diverse candidate, but if you are terrible at your job and for the country, you deserve to lose. The state of a nation depends on that choice.