The Patriot Post® · Future Ex-Prez Confirms Palace Coup

By Douglas Andrews ·

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Unless you’re a wildly unpopular 81-year-old incumbent president.

In that case, word eventually trickles out via a Freedom of Information Act request that you had some sort of medical “event” in Sin City on July 17 — an event urgent enough to warrant a Code 3 emergency response, as newly available recordings from the Las Vegas Metro PD reveal.

It’s doubtful that this incident had anything to do with the inglorious end to Joe Biden’s reelection just bid four days later. But still. As our Mark Alexander has suggested, the Big Guy’s ouster had been scripted for some time. And let’s face it: The Democrats and their mainstream media trucklings have been propping up Joe Biden for more than four years.

Perhaps Biden, who seemed with each passing week to plumb new depths in presidential polling, simply saw the light. Perhaps the guy whom the undemocratic Democrats determine to be a sure loser on November 5 finally bowed to inevitability.

Or perhaps not.

If we know Joe Biden, and if we know the power-mad Democrats, he didn’t so much bow out as bend over from a good swift kick in the cojones.

Indeed, this was a palace coup, a political hit job, and the leader of the long-knivers was none other than Biden’s erstwhile pal and fellow octogenarian, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Biden confirmed as much in an interview this weekend with CBS News.

“A number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate thought that I was going to hurt them in the races,” said Scranton Joe, displaying a keen sense of the obvious. “And I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic — you’d be interviewing me about why did Nancy Pelosi say [something] … and I thought it’d be a real distraction.”

So there you have it. The statesman-like Biden — the same guy who first set his sights on the presidency around the same time he was squaring off with Corn Pop — didn’t want Nancy Pelosi’s skullduggery to be a distraction. And it’s unlikely that the Democrats, given the discipline within their ranks, will allow their bloodless coup to become a distraction.

Still, Biden seems understandably bitter, and his sentiment seems a far cry from that weird X post his handlers cobbled together and put out to herald his noble and magnanimous withdrawal, wherein he said, “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”

So much for Joe Biden’s selflessness, and so much for San Fran Nan’s laughable assertion that the guy she just shoved down the stairs belongs on Mount Rushmore. “You have Teddy Roosevelt up there,” she said. “And he’s wonderful. I don’t say take him down. But you can add Biden.” Uh-huh.

As for Biden and the palace intrigue that surrounds him, we’ll say this: He’s been keeping a remarkably low profile for a sitting president, and yet he’s still given the media one more interview than the woman he picked to replace him — the woman who’d like nothing more than to implement her Basement 2.0 strategy and run out the clock between now and Election Day.

But never fear: “I’ve talked to my team,” she says. “I want us to get an interview scheduled before the end of the month.”