The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: The Harris Body-Count Warning

“Thank you, Patriot Post, for making sure America does not forget our family members who perished in Afghanistan, the direct result of the Biden and Harris administration’s pathetic surrender and retreat from Afghanistan.” —New York

“The Biden/Harris Afghanistan debacle should be one of the top issues in this election, along with the Ukraine invasion and attack on Israel under their watch. At least The Patriot Post is keeping this front and center!” —Montana

“I have zero respect for politicians who put our sons and daughters in harm’s way and then make bad politically expedient decisions that cost them their lives. I also have zero respect for politicians who do not take care of those sons and daughters when they come back from their service. In fact, I despise them!” —Illinois

“So Obama said of Biden, ‘Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.’ Well, apparently that holds true for his understudy, Harris.” —California

Re: Commie Kamala’s Price Control Comrades

“Communists/socialists apparently realize that now is the time to go for the throat and usher in the ideology of Lenin/Marx for total and complete control of government and the souls of freedom-loving citizens. We the People must protect the Republic from such efforts and ensure that the socialist Democrat Party is never again allowed to try to initiate a ‘coup’ like it did with Biden. Vote in November to end this takeover of our system of free markets, free decisions, and free people. The alternative is slavery under an ideology that has killed millions of people.” —Florida

Re: Dems Don’t Have a Clue About Kamala

“I gave up watching the MSM back in the ‘80s, but I am always amazed by the complete lack of full investigation that these 'reporters’ actually do. I believe that there are a few people who are buying the elections, such as Soros and Gates and several I have not specifically identified. The Democrats, including Kamala and many members of Congress, are being funded by this individuals with the express goal of taking over our government. The elected and appointed in government do not have wisdom. We who can see the damage must pray for intervention by God Himself before our nation implodes.” —Wisconsin

“Seventy days away … and some conservatives still don’t grasp the game plan. Policy is nothing; carefully cultivated soundbites and images are everything. Understanding or even being aware of policy is something thinking adults do. A third of Harris’s supporters would happily vote for communism as long as they can keep their phones and social media echo chambers. Another third of them are haters fully on board with the agenda to destroy America. The remainder, composed of elitists and academics, understand and fully support her socialist ideals. The Trump bubble believes it has the votes, but as long as they keep preaching to the converted instead of those still on the fence, they are wrong.” —Oklahoma

Re: Harris Masks a Terrible Policy Agenda

“Kamala Harris wants to massively hike corporate taxes, which will squarely hit workers hardest. The worst hit will be on the poorer folks who have less disposable income to pay the higher prices corporations will charge for their goods and services. Corporate taxes are always an expense in the production (and future price) of goods and services. The GOP needs to continually hammer this point home every time Democrats bring up corporate taxes.” —Florida

Re: Biden’s EV Boondoggle May Hurt Harris

“I respectfully disagree. To understand the deception foisted on the American public by the Biden/Harris administration, you have to be an informed voter. Unfortunately, the majority of Democrats are low-information voters who will never get past the ‘joyful energy’ headlines of the MSM and their toadies. As disheartening as it is, Democrat voters will not hold the current administration responsible for its many failures. I sincerely hope I’m mistaken.” —California

Re: Of Election Seasons and Illegal Votes

“That is what this whole illegal invasion is about and why the Democrats won’t stop it. After 50 years of liberal abortions, the Dems need to rebuild their base with uninformed, welfare-dependent lemmings who must vote Democrat in order to survive.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Monday: Below the Fold

“I doubt Dana Bash meant it’s okay for patriarchal men, who actually support women and families, to feel comfortable in their own skin. I assume she meant it’s okay for beta males who live in their mothers’ basements to support a woman’s right to kill her unborn child or to get access to lots of government support. Because it’d be too much trouble for him to contribute.” —New Mexico

“Maybe Walz did receive an award in 1993, except it was not from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce (NCOC) but the Nebraska Communist Organizing Committee.” —North Carolina

Re: Don’t Be Hatin’!

“Division is a standard tactic of tyrants. There can be NO unity, as it would be against the tyrant! The line from ‘The Liberty Song’ by John Dickinson — ‘United we stand, divided we fall’ — holds much in the way of truth. Every despot knows it, hence division is necessary, especially in seizing a free nation such as the U.S.” —California