August 27, 2024

Dems Don’t Have a Clue About Kamala

A new survey shows a stunning lack of awareness among Democrat voters about Harris and her policy positions.

As a political issue, reparations is a runaway loser. In an era in which most issues seem to divide Americans neatly along partisan lines, the idea of using taxpayer money to pay reparations for the long-ago sin of slavery is met with overwhelming disfavor across the political spectrum.

In the swing state of Arizona, for example, just 21% of voters support it, while 66% oppose it and 14% are unsure. And you can be certain that the vast majority of that “unsure” 14% is simply unsure about sharing their heartfelt opposition to this contentious issue with a stranger.

We mention all this because when Kamala Harris was a senator, she cosponsored legislation to create a commission that would study race-based payments to black Americans. And because the last time she ran for president, she said she’d be in favor of “some type” of reparations.

It’s just one issue among many, but it seems important, no? It seems like an issue that voters might want to consider as they cast a vote for president, no?

Well, no. At least not if you’re Kamala Harris or a voter inclined to support her.

As the Media Research Center reports, “Large majorities of registered Democrats and Independents who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 — exactly those who would be expected to support Vice President Kamala Harris in this year’s contest — are mostly in the dark about many of the controversial and radical positions Harris has taken.”

Indeed, it’s as if Harris’s supporters don’t see a Bay Area progressive of Jamaican-Indian descent who grew up in Canada and whose ancestors were slaveowners and whose dad was a Marxist college professor. They don’t see her radicalism on one issue after another. Instead, they see an Obama-esque blank slate upon which they can project their hopes and dreams. MRC continues:

When asked about ten different aspects of Harris’s public record — on issues as varied as her sponsorship of the Green New Deal, abolishing ICE, and eliminating private health insurance — between 71% and 86% of these Democrats and Independents said they either had not heard of Harris’s position or were unsure. … In fact, a detailed Media Research Center examination of ABC, CBS and NBC evening news coverage in the three weeks since Harris became the leading Democratic candidate (July 21 to August 10) shows eight of these ten issues received ZERO attention from these newscasts, while two others received only minor coverage.

We can go down the list: 86% of Democrats are unaware that Harris would consider allowing death-row inmates to vote; 78% didn’t know she promoted a fund for bailing out violent protesters during the George Floyd riots; 75% didn’t know she was ranked as the Senate’s most liberal senator in the same year she announced her run for the presidency; 74% didn’t know she wants to decriminalize the illegal invasion of our country; and 71% didn’t know she wanted to defund the police.

As for Harris’s support for reparations, 71% of her devotees are blissfully unaware.

How can it be that the policy positions of Harris — who’s spent her entire adult life on the government dole, who’s been in national office for three and a half years, and who briefly ran for president prior to that — seem to have been sprayed away like so much human waste off a San Francisco sidewalk?

Media malpractice, that’s how. As Patriot Post readers are well aware, it’s now been 37 days since Harris was undemocratically selected to be her party’s presumptive nominee for president, and yet she still hasn’t sat for a press interview.

It’s easy to blame the Harris campaign for this, but the real villains are her media enablers. To date, only Fox News has been beating this media-avoidance drum, while the rest of them have been reduced to cheerleading. Indeed, last week’s joy-filled and carefully choreographed makeover of Joe Biden’s once-woefully unpopular veep has left them giddy. In Harris, they now see America’s progressive answer to Margaret Thatcher, but with the warmth and compassion of Mother Teresa.

How thoroughly in the tank has the media been? Again, the Media Research Center lays it out: “Since Joe Biden exited the 2024 presidential race four weeks ago, the liberal networks have delivered an unprecedented boost of positive publicity to his successor in the race. … Not only has Harris received 66% more airtime than former President Donald Trump, but the spin of Harris’s coverage has been more positive (84%) than any other major party nominee, even as Trump’s coverage has been nearly entirely hostile (89% negative).”

Think about that: 84% positive versus 89% negative.

There are still 70 days until Election Day. Still 70 days for the media to collectively decide whether it believes Kamala Harris should be allowed to run for president without a thorough examination of her record and her positions.

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