The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: The CNN Interview: Harris Finds a Fallback

“I think Harris is not lying when she says that her views haven’t changed. The lie is the stuff she has been saying that can be construed as a move to the center. Her values are what they have always been — destroy the United States as we know it and turn it into a socialist/communist country. Vote for her and we will succumb as a powerful nation in the world.” —Oregon

“This was not an interview. It was a CNN-produced campaign infomercial. This should be reported as a campaign contribution. We have all seen interviews of candidates and we have all seen candidate advertisements. The only question is whether Dana Bash has a cat.” —Illinois

“If you are the only former prosecutor in the race, there is a good chance that your claim to be the only one in the race to do prosecutor stuff is safe. Brilliant. Have you done any Abraham Accord kind of stuff?” —Washington

“Socialist Democrats accomplished a coup in their own party. Now they are attempting to accomplish the same thing in the free-enterprise system of our Republic. Communist doctrine has always said, ‘Control the production of food and you control the people.’ The attempt to nationalize the food industry through price controls is an abomination to the senses of a free people. We must not allow a coup to change the Republic into a Venezuela or Cuba or, worse, possibly a North Korea.” —Florida

“This woman is the epitome of the Peter Principle, but as a Dem she believes it’s only her due. The notion of Harris having values is so laughable as to be absurd. My dog has more of a moral compass than she does, but of course he’s not a lying socialist puppet. I also hate to tell Walz, but a lie is a lie, not bad grammar or ‘speaking passionately.’ Whenever any Democrat talks, I’m reminded of the old saying that you can always tell when they’re lying because their lips are moving.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Congressional Veterans Condemn Walz for Stolen Valor

“A man with no honor has no problem telling lies until his low-info supporters believe him. At least he can count on the assistance of the fake media and his fellow liars in government.” —Washington

“Sen. Richard ‘Stolen Valor’ Blumenthal (D-CT) has been oddly quiet about Tim Walz’s extensive documented record of stolen valor. Hmmmm…” —Oregon

Re: The Harris Body-Count Warning

“Biden’s disastrous decision to abandon Afghanistan despite high-level staff and military opposition was a grave failure in U.S. foreign and defense policy. The surrender of a strategic U.S. airbase, billions of dollars’ worth of military weapons and equipment, and unnecessary loss of lives signaled a palpable lack of U.S. resolve that precipitated large-scale aggression by our adversaries, and the result was the attack on Ukraine and Israel. That VP Harris proudly proclaims she fully supported and signed off on Biden’s Afghan exit plan indicates she is wholly unfit to assume the office of POTUS and commander-in-chief. Our nation and the free world cannot tolerate another such shameful dereliction of duty.” —Florida

Re: Profiles of Valor: Thirteen American Patriots

“The Leftmedia scantly mentioned the third anniversary of the Biden/Harris Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco. Why? Because Harris claims she was ‘the last person in the room’ approving Biden’s plan. To show compassion for our 13 young military personnel would be to admit to some accountability and that the Biden/Harris plan was a total catastrophe. That would explain why they have not reached out to all the families in the years since.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Fantasyland, 2024 Election Style

“I agree with the article. The media and the Democrats are dressing up pigs to look like royalty. I’m not sure if any SANE PERSON will buy it. I know any working person won’t. They see what the Biden/Harris policies have done to the cost of everything! Working folks have to be tired of working hard and the government spending our tax dollars frivolously. It’s the welfare crowd, the college students looking to get out of school loan debt, the illegals whom the Democrats imported to cheat the vote, and the Democrat cheats themselves we have to worry about. The pigs may fly, but not without Americans fighting back and crying FOUL!” —Illinois

Re: Dems Don’t Have a Clue About Kamala

“The Democrats, with their elevation of VP Harris to presidential candidate, have turned the election into a high school class office popularity contest. Democrats and the Leftmedia don’t have a clue about what she really is about or who is ‘pulling her strings,’ and they don’t care as long as they elect the first woman of color as U.S. president. If all Americans don’t wake up, the election of Harris and a Democrat majority in both the Senate and House will fundamentally transform our democratic republic into the socialist authoritarian government hoped for by Barack Obama in his 2008 presidential campaign. Herein lies the real threat to our democracy and nation as it was originally established by our Constitution.” —Florida

Re: The Politics of the Child Tax Credit

“I think most people would rather make life much simpler by doing away with the entire income tax system and instead funding the government by excises on luxury sales. Not only is the income tax invasive of privacy, but as we have seen, it is ripe for political games and is too easily made a back door for violating the constitutional restriction on other direct taxes, or even taxing fictitious objects such as unrealized capital gains. Families would be happy to have more time together instead of wasting it on preparing income tax returns.” —Minnesota