The Patriot Post® · Harris Crashes, Burns in First Solo Interview

By Nate Jackson ·

On July 21, Democrats completed their coup against Joe Biden when he announced his exit from the presidential race. Despite Nancy Pelosi laughably asserting that “anybody could have gotten in,” Kamala Harris was quickly anointed by the Party of Democracy™ without winning a single primary vote. You’d think the party would be eager for her to show how ready she is to take the mantle after — ahem — being vice president for the last 44 months.

You’d think.

Instead, we saw a carefully scripted introduction at the Democratic National Convention and almost no media access for the first month. Finally, on August 29, Harris sat for her first interview — a friendly softball chat with CNN accompanied by her running mate and chaperone, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

Her second interview — and first solo one — happened Friday with [checks notes] a local reporter for Philadelphia’s ABC affiliate (yes, that ABC). Her interview was all of 11 minutes, and it went about as well as expected.

Right off the bat, she was asked essentially the same question that led off the debate. Reporter Brian Taft asked her to expand on her idea of an “opportunity economy” and her plan to get prices down. Just as she did during the debate, she nervously rattled off a scripted answer about how she “grew up a middle-class kid,” except that the “script” had her meandering through a mind-numbing word salad that totally avoided actually answering the question.

Are we supposed to take assurance from her smiling boast that she grew up with people “who were very proud of their lawn”? What the heck does that have to do with anything?

She triggered inflation that has surpassed a cumulative 20% in three years. People just want to buy groceries, never mind their lawns. But Kamala couldn’t be bothered to offer even one proposal for addressing prices.

The next question was essentially this: Are you different from Joe Biden? If so, how?

“Well, I’m obviously not Joe Biden,” she chuckled before launching into sort of answering the first question with a couple of half-baked proposals about small business tax credits and spending taxpayer money on assistance for first-time homebuyers — which would actually increase the price of homes.

So, it’s no wonder that when Action News 6 aired the interview, the station played the first question and then deceptively cut straight to her second answer.

Next question: Explain your stance on guns.

Again asserting that she and Walz are gun owners, Harris said, “We’re not takin’ anybody’s guns away,” but then she almost immediately proceeded to explain that there should be an “assault weapons ban” because AR-15s are “literally tools of war.”

Fact-check: False. AR-15s are semiautomatic rifles with cosmetic features that scare leftists. They are not functionally the same as select-fire weapons carried in war by military personnel not named Tim Walz.

By “assault weapons ban,” Democrats usually mean to stop the purchase and further manufacture of such semiautomatic rifles without explaining what happens to the 20 million-plus already in private hands or how any ban meets constitutional muster after numerous Supreme Court decisions supporting the Second Amendment. Only very rarely do they admit that they want to take AR-15s because such a ban only makes sense at all if government employees with guns show up at the doors of tens of millions of American citizens’ homes and forcibly confiscate their rifles.

Then there’s Joe Biden, who regularly threatens Americans with F-15s and nuclear weapons.


At least the ABC reporter asked Harris what voters should know about her, and we learned she likes to cook. Can we get a fact-check on that?

Speaking of fact-checks, a few days late and many dollars short, ABC News’s Martha Raddatz questioned Massachusetts Democrat Governor Maura Healey about one of Harris’s many debate lies — the one about no troops in combat zones. Someone who didn’t moderate asking someone who’s not even running isn’t exactly a live fact-check during the debate like Donald Trump endured, but you can’t expect much from ABC.

Neither, it’s painfully obvious, can anyone expect much from Kamala Harris.

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