The Patriot Post® · Biden Does Violence to the Harris Campaign

By Nate Jackson ·

Is it possible that Joe Biden wants Kamala Harris to lose? A man like Scranton Joe doesn’t just let go of the trappings of the office easily or without bitterness. Ever the arrogant SOB, Biden could “accomplish” two things with Harris’s defeat: Remain the only guy to beat Donald Trump, and take revenge. He can stick it to the party to which he’s been nothing but slavishly loyal for 50 years after that party unceremoniously kicked him to the curb in favor of a woman he never liked or wanted as his running mate. After all, Democrats shivved him all while having the nerve to praise his selfless sacrifice amidst the Joy!™ of moving on from him.

I’ll show them, he must be thinking.

He created the perfect opportunity Friday. As The Spectator’s Ben Domenech notes, “Two minutes after Kamala Harris walked on stage at a campaign event in Detroit, Joe Biden decided to do something he has never done as president: he walked into the White House press briefing room.”

Rather than cover Harris’s rally, cable news stations diverted to the press briefing. Aside from the fact that he created the diversion in the first place, the key moment came via the last question about 13 minutes in. “Can you talk about how your vice president, who is running for the presidency, has worked on these crises and what role she has played over the past several days?” a reporter asked.

Biden replied:

Well, she’s — I’m in constant contact with her. She’s aware of where, uh, we’re — we all — we’re singing from the same song sheet. We, uh, she helped pass the l- — all the laws that are being employed now. She was a major player in everything we’ve done, including passage of, uh, legislation, which we were told we could never pass. And so, she’s been, uh — and her — her staff is interlocked with mine in terms of all the things we’re doing.

Dear Kamala, how do you like that anchor around your neck?

Well enough to tout it, based on her own goal on “The View” today.

Biden may want to remain the only guy who’d beaten Trump, but the record of his four years in office likely meant he’d lose this November. Thus, Harris has been trying to have it both ways: She wants the credentials of having “led” as vice president while not being responsible for any of Biden’s results.

Not so fast, kid, he seemed to be saying. My record is your record. “Interlocked,” he said. “Same song sheet.”

Yet Biden can’t just go out there and endorse Trump by putting on a MAGA hat. Oh, wait…

Kidding aside, he still has to at least pretend to be a team player. That part came in his dire warning about political violence if Harris wins Trump loses.

Asked about whether he thought the election would be free, fair, and peaceful, he responded, “I’m confident it’ll be free and fair. I don’t know whether it will be peaceful.” Then he opined, “The things that Trump has said and the things that he said last time out when he didn’t like the outcome of the election were very dangerous. If you notice — I — I noticed that the vice presidential Republican candidate did not say he’d accept the outcome of the election. And they haven’t even accepted the outcome of the last election. So, I’m — I’m concerned about what they’re — what they’re going to do.”

Trump just survived two assassination attempts perpetrated by disaffected men inspired by hyperbolic leftist rhetoric about Trump’s supposed “threat to democracy.” If Trump is the existential threat Biden, Harris, and the rest keep saying he is, then crazy people like these two men think he must be eliminated.

Yet Biden keeps saying that Trump is a threat — that if he loses, things may get violent.

Clearly, Biden has a few things in mind. First, he justified his 2020 presidential bid on the Charlottesville lie that Trump complimented neo-Nazis as “very fine people.” He did no such thing, of course, but even a fact-check from Snopes hasn’t stopped Biden from continuing to claim it. He certainly can’t renege on his rationale for running.

Second, January 6 was violent. A few dozen overzealous Trump supporters did clash with police in a criminally disgraceful display that will always tarnish the conservative cause — not to mention the damage done to the tens of thousands of people there marching peacefully, hundreds of whom were arrested and tossed in the clink with the violent offenders. But Democrats can’t keep from lying about that day, either. Along with the second impeachment, they falsely claim police died and that, in Biden’s repeated formulation, it was “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”

Third is another unhinged lie — that Trump warned of a literal “bloodbath” if he lost. He was metaphorically speaking about the economy. Democrats and their Leftmedia propagandists know this but keep acting as if he was talking about political violence.

So, back to left-wing violence.

I already mentioned the two attempts on Trump’s life, but there’s more. Two examples: It was a radical leftist who tried to murder GOP members of Congress. It was leftist radicals who burned American cities after George Floyd’s death, killing scores of people amidst political violence in 2020 and generally causing the murder rate to skyrocket. Those riots dwarfed January 6.

Moreover, it is Joe Biden who has repeatedly threatened the American people. By his telling, you can’t retain your constitutional right to certain firearms he doesn’t like because you “need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons” if you want to take on his government.

Many people may scoff at the idea that Biden’s bluster constituted a real threat. Yet the Founders didn’t intend the Second Amendment primarily to protect hunters or even for self-defense. The same men who’d won independence in a war that began over attempted gun confiscation wrote that amendment precisely to guard against the tyranny of government that Biden flaunts as if it’s a virtue.

To Kamala Harris, Biden’s remarks probably feel like a slap in the face. She should ask Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff how that works out for women.

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