September 16, 2024

Another Trump Assassin Triggered by Hateful Political Rhetoric

How did a second delusional would-be assassin get within striking distance of Donald Trump?

For the last three years, the Biden/Harris political platform has been centered on the rhetoric that Donald Trump is the greatest “threat to our democracy.” They had nothing else to run on other than vilifying their opponent.

On July 13, just days after Joe Biden declared, “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” there was an assassination attempt against Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Remarkably, Trump was only grazed by a bullet that was millimeters from ending his life. Biden defended his remark, insisting, “I didn’t say crosshairs.”

We still know virtually nothing about that assailant, Thomas Matthew Crooks, who was killed by law enforcement overwatch snipers after taking multiple shots at Trump, killing one rally attendee and wounding others. But we have learned plenty about the failure of Secret Service and Homeland Security personnel assigned to protect Trump.

Recall all the Demo pronouncements following that first attack, to, according to Biden, “lower the temperature in our politics”? Of course, they actually amped it up.

Two days after that first assassination attempt, in a nationally televised interview, Biden trotted out his oft-repeated lie that Trump called racists in Charlottesville “really fine people.” That incendiary lie has been fact-checked false by The Washington Post, and even the left-wing fact-checker Snopes rated that one bull pucky. But Demos never let the truth get in the way of their political agenda.

A week later, Kamala Harris executed the Democrat Party’s scripted plan to replace Biden, and the Harris/Walz duo then adopted the same “Trump is a threat to democracy” theme. At her Demo coronation confab which followed, CNN promoted “Democrats to highlight threat to democracy they say Trump poses,” and they did.

Since then, Harris has repeatedly and emphatically declared, “Our fundamental freedoms are on the ballot and so is our democracy,” and “Trump is a threat to our democracy and fundamental freedoms.” She insists, “We are fighting for our democracy,” and “It’s on us to recognize the threat [Trump] poses.” She declared, “Donald Trump has vowed that he will be a dictator on ‘day one’,” and “He intends to weaponize the Justice Department against his enemies.” Given that Demos in collusion with deep state did just that while Trump was president, that assertion constitutes a textbook case of the BIG Lie.

Harris’s campaign website encouraged donations to “win this election and save democracy,” but that has now been deleted.

In last week’s “debate” between Trump and Harris, among the litany of unchallenged lies Harris propagated, she repeatedly invoked the “danger to democracy” rhetoric. In an opening question about the economy, Harris avoided the question, and when pressed for an answer, she still avoided answering, instead diverting to her familiar claim, “Donald Trump left us the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”

(Oh, Harris’s again claimed: “Let’s remember Charlottesville, where there was a mob of people carrying tiki torches, spewing antisemitic hate, and what did the president then at the time say? There were fine people on each side.” Not a word from the debate “moderators”…)

Demos have spent the last eight years fomenting unmitigated hatred for Trump and Republicans. The result is not only a divided nation, but a new norm of political violence. Such grossly irresponsible hyperbole has unintended consequences, though asserting “unintended” may be presumptuous — including the incitement of sociopathic rage. Demos are masters at fomenting fear, hate and division, the foundational strategy of their political platform, while blaming their opponents the division.

And that brings us to the latest assassination attempt.

Trump was playing a Sunday afternoon round of golf at Trump International Golf Club, located in an urban section of West Palm Beach, where a would-be assassin laid in wait to kill him. The assailant, identified by law enforcement officials as 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh, was in a small wooded area on the golf corse for the previous 12 hours, positioned to assassinate Trump as he approached from 300 meters away on the 5th hole to less than 100 meters away on the 6th hole. He was positioned in an area that is a known security hole on the course.

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL), a Special Forces combat veteran who is on the assassination task force investigating the first attempt, said “A 100 to 300 yard shot with a scope…that’s a two foot putt.”

Fortunately, despite the fact the course had not been cleared ahead of time, an alert Secret Service agent making a security pass on 6th hole ahead of Trump, spotted Routh. The agent opened fire on the would-be assassin, who then fled the scene. Remarkably, a bystander took pictures of Routh’s car and license tag, and tag-reading cameras on I-95 identified the vehicle about 40 miles from West Palm.

Routh was quickly stopped and arrested. He was initially charged with unlawful position of a firearm because he was a convicted felon (as was the case with Hunter Biden), and for possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number. Other charges are pending.

As news of the incident broke, Trump quickly issued a statement: “There were gunshots in my vicinity but before rumors start spiraling out of control, I wanted you to hear this first: I AM SAFE AND WELL! Nothing will slow me down. I WILL NEVER SURRENDER! I will always love you for supporting me. Unity. Peace. Make America Great Again. May God bless you.” He added, “It was certainly an interesting day!” and praised the response by the Secret Service.

He called JD Vance, telling him, “You’re not going to believe this, but they tried to do it again.”

Biden responded in a statement, noting, “As I have said many times, there is no place for political violence or for any violence ever in our country.”

Harris echoed that claim: “I am in this election … to fight for our democracy, and in a democracy, there is no place for political violence.”

Oddly, neither statement included their boilerplate language about banning “assault weapons.”

As for their assertion, “no place for political violence”? Really?

For the record, Biden, Harris, and their Demo cadres created the modern template for political violence in America with their choreographed “Summer of Rage” riots ahead of the 2020 election. They simultaneously demoted and defunded law enforcement capabilities, exacerbating the lawlessness. Their political tactic led to a historic surge of violence across our nation, which spilled over into the years that followed and has yet to subside.

Since 2020, Biden and Harris have profiled Trump as democracy’s enemy number one.

And 48 hours after the second would-be assassin was arrested, Harris’s campaign advisor David Plouffe said: “It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”

And Hillary Clinton got a couple shots in: “We can’t go back and give this very dangerous man another chance to do harm to our country and the world.” She added, “I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is.”

So, what do we know about Ryan Wesley Routh?

Routh was a native of North Carolina but has resided in Hawaii since 2017. He has a long criminal history with more than 100 criminal counts, including carrying a concealed weapon, drug position, possession of stolen property, and numerous traffic infractions. Notably, in one incident two decades ago, Routh barricaded himself in a building and was subsequently convicted of possessing an actual fully automatic assault rifle in violation of federal law.

Unlike the prior Trump assassin, Routh had a voluminous digital footprint, most of which has now been deleted by social media platforms. But we know he mirrored the “save our democracy” language propagated by Biden and Harris. Routh proclaimed in posts, “DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose,” and we must keep “America democratic and free.” Since 2019, he has made more than a dozen donations to ActBlue, the Democrat donor clearing house, and his most recent voting record was in a Democrat primary.

Routh also has an unhinged obsession with portraying himself as a “freedom fighter” for Ukraine, having gone there in 2022. Moreover, he has been quoted in interviews with both The New York Times and Newsweek about his efforts fund a mercenary army for Ukraine.

It is likely that Harris’s repeated assertions about Trump admiring tyrants caused Routh to perceive Trump and Vladimir Putin as allied against Ukraine, and thus Routh thought he would be a martyr for taking Trump out.

Additionally, in a self-published manifesto, he urged Iran to kill Trump.

Routh’s parroting of the Demos’ “democracy” slogans in his social media posts did not go unnoticed by Trump, who said: “He believed the rhetoric of Biden and Harris, and he acted on it. Their rhetoric is causing me to be shot at.”

That notwithstanding, predictably, Leftmedia talkingheads and scribes are blaming Trump for the attempt on his life, you now, what leftists used to decry as “victim blaming.”

Bottom line in my assessment: Routh is a delusional individual who has been so fixated on the latest hateful political rhetoric against Trump that he was determined to murder him. I estimate the same to be true of the previous assailant, Thomas Matthew Crooks, but we will likely never know much more about him.

For his part, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is not waiting on conclusions by a federal investigation, announcing: “The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination at Trump International Golf Club. The people deserve the truth.”

Among the questions that are most pressing: How did Routh know that Trump would be on that course Sunday, and how was he able to get into position one hole ahead of Trump?

Finally, investigative reporter Miranda Devine asks, “What will it take for these demented partisans to lower the temperature?” The presumed answer is, for an assassin to be successful. I have been asked repeatedly, “What if the next assassin succeeds?” The answer is ugly.

Footnote: In addition to Biden and Harris vilification of Trump, vilification that is amplified by their Leftmedia publicists, there are also notable celebrity influencers who have asserted Trump is an existential threat to democracy. Typical of those would be Robert De Niro, who held a press conference to issue this unhinged warning: “If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted. And elections, forget about it. That’s over. That’s done. If he gets in, I can tell. you right now, he will never leave. He will never leave. You know that.” The won’t stop until Trump is dead.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776


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