The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Re: The 2024 Election IS Rigged!

“This summed up WHY the election is rigged, and every point a fact. Let the revolution begin.” —Illinois

“This is not the time to infer the election is fixed so don’t bother to vote. We can only do what we can do, so flood the voting booths with numbers and pray it’s enough.” —Utah

“I have friends who are postal carriers in the Boston area, and they confirmed that the USPS delivered multiple ballots to addresses known to be occupied by one adult. This occurred all over the city. Multiply this by all Eastern Seaboard cities and you get Harris and Walz.” —Massachusetts

“If they have loved the last three years, nine months, and 16 days, they will love a presidency under Harris and Walz even more!” —Oregon

Re: About Those Trump and Harris National Security Endorsements

“As a Marine officer with many combat deployments, having enlisted as an E-1 and recently retired an O-6, it was disturbing if not disgusting to see so many once-respectable military officers signing on with the Harris-Walz train wreck. We all know that our nation was far more secure under Donald Trump, regardless of what you think about his Tweets, than it has been under the Harris-Biden administration. And now the prospect of Harris-Walz. These officers must have been drinking that polluted Pentagon water for too long.” —California


“FEMA, like every other agency under the Biden/Harris Administration, is headed by incompetent, unqualified, empty political appointees, not for their knowledge, expertise, and experience, but rather their DEI ‘qualifications.’ We have a national government being managed by ‘quota hires.’ What did you expect?” —Pennsylvania

Re: Did You Hear About This Endorsement?

“In the first hour of DJT’s second term, all 51 of those ‘intelligence officials’ who signed the Hunter laptop letter should have their security clearances pulled/canceled!” —Nevada

Re: Profiles of Valor: He Saved Our Lives

“This profile of Larry Taylor by Dave Hill, whose life Taylor saved, was extraordinary. Sadly, the appreciation for valor is in short supply now. God have mercy on our nation for allowing itself to succumb to a state of self-serving mediocrity.” —Oregon

Re: Profiles of Valor: Brig Gen Chuck Yeager (USAF)

“These profiles give me hope as a 100% disabled Marine with 6,000 hours as a pilot. I really loved flying. And by the way, my wife’s retired Marine father was the bodyguard of Joe Rosenthal, AP, who took that iconic photo of the flag raising on IWO JIMA. My family has 220 years of Marine Corps service!” —North Carolina

Re: Hillary Makes Her Case for Controlling Speech

“‘Your comments may offend some in our community,’ and statements like it are the greatest affront to freedom of communication in world history. Am I the only one who remembers ‘I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it’?” —California

“Were it not for the press in their unrelenting pursuit of something to publish, be it right or wrong, I do not believe Hillary Clinton would have a voice in America. She is a criminal who has evaded justice, and her values and opinions lack anything of value and sensibility. She has a George Soros outlook on what she believes her subordinate Americans should adhere to. Power, in her grasp, would have been a dark era for our country. Gratefully, we avoided that attack on freedom and decency.” —Georgia

Re: The Presidential Politics of Hurricanes

“A full 99% of what the Democratic socialists put out on public media is absolutely disinformation. The way they label disinformation is if it comes from a conservative’s mouth and it’s the truth. It’s automatically misinformation.” —Alaska

Re: Monday: Below the Fold

“Regarding the man arrested outside the Trump rally in California: Definitely not the brightest bulb in the pack. First of all, the guy should have checked into California gun laws before transporting loaded guns into the People’s Socialist Republic of California. Secondly, he should have left his extra IDs at home. Thirdly, anyone who carries a gun for self-defense better know how to use it (that means training & practice) should the need arise. He’ll be lucky to get out of this with only the loss of those two firearms and his bond money, and hopefully not a felony conviction.” —Arizona

Re: Vance Gives Master Class on Leftmedia Table-Turning

“The only thing that surprises me is how these kinds of people can get up in the morning, look at their faces in the mirror, and be OK with knowing their jobs are all about lying and gaslighting people so they can front points for a corrupt government, put innocent people in danger, and help destroy the country they were born in — one that has afforded them their quite comfortable lifestyles.” —Oklahoma

“Truth be told, there ARE Venezuelan gangs in Aurora. ABC’s headline is a blatant lie. I should ask Martha, how many gang takeovers is the limit you would accept in your ritzy neighborhood? These people, like Martha, read from a script and have no sympathy for those people not covered in the script.” —Nevada

Re: Pilgrim’s Progress: Revised Edition

“Christians cannot assume their neighbors know anything about the Scriptures, and what they do know is often wrong. A major reason America has lost its way is that churches failed to fend off the hijacking of science by Darwin and his fellow atheists; instead, they compromised their own teachings on the Scriptures. Now, we have to introduce people to their Creator before we even have a basis for discussion, and we must attack their faith in the questionable claims made by evolutionary philosophy. From there, we must proclaim God’s Law, and "not be afraid of their faces,” for the merchants of evil have much at stake in silencing that. We can then show the Law is based on love and preach the Gospel of Christ’s love, even to death on the cross.“ —Minnesota