October 16, 2024

The 2024 Election IS Rigged!

The Demos’ master strategy to perpetuate control of the Executive and Legislative Branches – and ultimately state governments nationwide.

“We should be unfaithful to ourselves if we should ever lose sight of the danger to our liberties if anything partial or extraneous should infect the purity of our free, fair, virtuous, and independent elections.” —John Adams (1797)

After the 2020 election, Donald Trump declared: “We won. It was a rigged election.”

But he and his team completely missed what was rigged.

They blamed ballot-counting machines and ballot harvesting — no question the latter was happening. But an enormous amount of political capital was wasted complaining about ballot machines when the most brazen election rigging was hiding in plain sight: The Democrats’ bulk-mail ballot fraud strategy. Using the ChiCom Virus pandemic as cover, Democrats controlling some of the largest states sent ballots to the last known address of every person on voter rolls, with no authentication of who would be receiving those ballots, and virtually no authentication for who was actually casting those ballots.

In 2020, among 333 million Americans, almost 160 million (66%) of the nation’s 239.2 million “eligible voters” cast ballots, and millions were not authenticated.

Moreover, of the votes cast in 2020, 43% (66 million ballots) were by mail — and a majority of those were in states where authentication of the person receiving and casting the ballot was not required. Of all those who voted in person, 66% voted for Trump versus 42% for Biden — which is to say that 58% of Biden ballots, almost 47 million votes, were cast by mail.

Bulk-mail ballots accounted for the highest percentage of ballots cast in our nation’s history.

Do you see the pattern here?

Despite the bulk-mail ballots, Trump still received 46.9% of the vote (74,223,975) and 232 electoral votes, while 1.8% of votes (2,926,539) were for third-party candidates. And, election was closer than appearances would imply, though. Biden’s 7 million vote margin (81,283,501), giving him 306 electoral votes, was mostly those unauthenticated bulk-mail ballots in California and New York.

But Biden actually won the presidency by fewer than 43,000 votes in the key swing states of Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin. That is precisely why the Demos’ want to eliminate the Electoral College, eroding our constitutional republic into a democracy.

The lack of authenticated ballots, whether by mail or in person, significantly erodes the value of votes in states where authentication is mandated. Requiring voter IDs is the global standard, even in third-world countries. Short of universally requiring voter authentication, voter fraud will continue unabated, which completely undermines the integrity of elections.

If Democrats further institutionalize eliminating voter ID requirements for in-person and mail ballots, that will perpetuate Democrat control of the executive and legislative branches, which, of course, is their objective. That is precisely why the Demos’ House and Senate Resolutions 1 seek to nationalize a prohibition on voter ID requirements.

Beyond the ballot fraud, Trump’s “rigged election” rhetoric handed a huge bonus to the Democrat Party socialists — the January 6th Capitol riots by a bunch of jackass thugs inspired by other jackass thugs.

No, I am not talking about those who were foolishly trespassing and meandering through the Capitol building once its doors had been breached. I am talking about a few hundred protesters outside the building who were violently battling with police — hardly typical of 99.9% of Trump supporters.

The political optics that day were the ugliest in decades — and created an enormous political opportunity for Democrats.

The actions of a few hundred thugs enabled Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to launch their histrionic “insurrection inquisition,” ultimately casting all Trump supporters as thugs. And they have continued to do so every day since.

The point is not to relitigate the J6 riots but to say that one residual of those riots is that the ugly events that day did more to disable Trump’s reelection bid now than anything else.

Here is what is most important to understand about the 2020 election and how it shaped the Democrats’ “permanent majority” strategy moving forward.

Demos had a three-prong strategy to defeat Trump’s prospects for a second term, and that triad now forms their template to defeat Republicans in both national and state elections moving forward.

The first prong was using deep state political hacks in the FBI and CIA to set up Trump for a takedown. That started with their fake Trump/Russia collusion conspiracy, which has its roots before Trump took office in 2017. Then, as part of the same strategy, ahead of the election, Demo Rep. Adam Schiff and his ilk attempted to impeach Trump for what Joe Biden actually did.

On top of those measures, they fomented the summer of rage and riots based on their “systemic racism” lie. That fully primed their emotionally incontinent constituents with “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

The second prong of the Demo strategy, in addition to the full advocacy of their massive Leftmedia platform publicists, was the systemic suppression of free speech by both the mainstream media and, by extension, across social media platforms.

Demonstrating how effective that speech suppression strategy was, just ahead of the 2020 election, Demos put into full motion a massive blackout of Joe “Big Guy” Biden’s ChiCom and Ukrainian pay-to-play influence-peddling schemes, exposed on Hunter Biden’s laptop. They used a letter from former intel officials aligned with this scheme, claiming the laptop was actually a “Russian disinformation” subterfuge in order to justify the mass media blackout.

It was modeled after what Demos had learned earlier in the year about how to collaborate with media platforms to suppress information about COVID.

Ultimately, of course, it was determined that the laptop and the incriminating information on it did belong to Hunter.

As former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy declared this week: “The enduring relevance of the laptop is not as a Biden story, but as a story of the political corruption of the government’s law-enforcement and intelligence apparatus — pillars of our rule of law and our national security.”

The third prong of the Demos’ permanent majority strategy is the proliferation of the aforementioned bulk-mail ballot fraud. The big winner in 2020 was systemic ballot fraud.

As for the integrity of in-person voting, according to current voter ID laws by state, Ballotpedia notes: “35 states required voters to present identification in order to vote at the polls on Election Day. Of these states, 24 required voters to present identification containing a photograph, and 11 accept other forms of identification.”

But here is the kicker: “The remaining 15 states do not require voters to present identification in order to vote at the polls on Election Day.”

The biggest states not requiring voter ID are Democrat-controlled: California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

In fact, California’s Demo Gov. Gavin Newsom has officially banned requiring voter IDs anywhere in the state. Neighboring swing state Arizona’s Demo governor, Katie Hobbs, has approved more than 200,000 voters with unconfirmed citizenship.

And regarding illegal immigrants attempting to vote, Virginia’s Republican governor, Glenn Youngkin, is fighting a diversionary DoJ voter-roll lawsuit, saying, “With less than 30 days until the election, the Biden-Harris Department of Justice is filing an unprecedented lawsuit against me and the Commonwealth of Virginia, for appropriately enforcing a 2006 law signed by Democrat Tim Kaine that requires Virginia to remove noncitizens from the voter rolls.”

As for those “all-mail elections,” these are the current states that bulk-mail ballots: California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, and Washington. Again, in most cases, there is virtually no authentication of who is receiving and who is returning millions of these bulk-mail ballots.

Bottom line: Any election that includes one unauthenticated vote should be declared null and void. The upcoming 2024 election will include millions of unauthenticated votes.

It is only recently that Trump is calling out the Democrat’s bulk-mail fraud strategy, insisting in various forums: “Anytime you have a mail-in ballot, there is going to be massive fraud. … We have a rigged election. … We have a bad voting system. We have mail-in ballots.”

Predictably, in a so-called “fact-check” on Trump’s assertion, the leftists at PBS claimed, “Mail-in voting provides more opportunity for fraud than in-person voting, but it’s still rare.”

Allow me to fact-check that claim: If you do not fully authenticate who is receiving and who is casting mail ballots, as is the case in many Democrat-controlled states, then there is no basis for asserting that fraud by mail is “rare.” Memo to PBS: Fact Check False.

And Leftmedia bulk-mail ballot defenders are piling on Trump with equally spurious fact-checks because they know this massive ballot fraud is key to the Demos’ permanent majority strategy.

Moreover, Demos claim that those who oppose their massive voter fraud schemes are denying “voter rights,” and those who question the adulterated outcomes are “election deniers.”

The old adage applies: “When you are taking a lot of fire, you must be directly over the target.”

Since the 2020 election, Democrats have mastered the three-prong strategy to perpetuate control of the Executive and Legislative Branches – and ultimately state governments nationwide – first, using their deep-state actors to attack Republicans; second, suppressing speech that does not comport with their agenda; and third, counting millions of unauthenticated ballots.

This template is firmly in place for the 2024 election in order to benefit the Harris/Walz ticket — that combo being both a bloody and perilous threat to American Liberty.

More than five million early ballots have already been counted, and not surprisingly, the majority are Democrat votes.

Despite Donald Trump’s considerable and well-documented record of domestic and foreign policy successes, a record that stands in stark contrast to the Biden/Harris regime’s abysmal record of domestic and foreign policy failures, the unfortunate reality is that this election is rigged.

This is an entirely different ballot field than in 2016, and if Trump and JD Vance pull this off, it will be nothing short of a miracle.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

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