The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Harris Delays, Dodges, and Deceives

“What happened to the joy? I have to commend Bret Baier — he asked the tough questions to which she had just one answer: TRUMP DID IT. It is really reaching when you’ve been in office for nearly four years and you’re blaming the last guy. But that’s all any Democrat has got. Their policies are terrible, and I don’t think it matters who the candidate is. If you pay attention, you’ll see that the Democrats are doing everything they are accusing Trump of doing.” —Illinois

“She can’t answer a question because she doesn’t know what strings her puppeteers will pull. So the best plan for her is to double speak and evade any answers to any questions. Whether you’re hiding in the basement or just babbling on about nonsense, it’s the same crap from four years ago — nothing!” —Illinois

“Harris said, ‘I will follow the law.’ If I were Baier, I would have followed up immediately with something like, Then why don’t you follow current immigration laws? Or, For the past three and a half years you haven’t followed current immigration laws, so why should we believe you now?” —Arkansas

Re: JD Vance v. New York Times

“These low-information leftist interviewers had better do their homework if they intend to take on JD Vance. He is able to wipe them out with one carefully worded, factual sentence as he cuts through all their BS and leaves them looking like the idiots they are.” —Pennsylvania

Re: The 2024 Election IS Rigged!

“Alexander explains in vivid and irrevocable detail the Democrat Party’s election-rigging strategy. I do not understand why all the conservative columnists and commentators are not driving these points home every single day. What Alexander makes clear is that it is critical for all ELIGIBLE voters to cast their vote next month. ALL eligible voters.” —Massachusetts

“This is exactly right, Mr. Alexander: ‘This is a call to get out every Trump vote we can muster.’ Too many Republicans are too lazy to vote, and their decision not to vote costs our country significantly. So now, any conservative/Republican must vote, no matter the words of the mendacious media.” —California

Re: Memo to Harris: Violent Crime Did NOT Decline

“Democrats are experts at propaganda and know that if you repeat a lie often enough, fools will believe it!” —Illinois

“How interesting that this melding with the data by the FBI, which undoubtedly the Democrats knew about, did not make the headlines. Given that crime is one of the BIG THREE voter issues, sure seems convenient.” —New York

Re: Trump’s Working-Class Tax Breaks

“The tax giveaway that baffles me the most is the no-tax-on-tips deal. If I understand it correctly, waiters and waitresses make $2.37 an hour, which totals $94.80 based on a 40-hour week. It totals $4,929.60 if 52 weeks are worked. They won’t pay taxes on that either. Just wait and see how many people ask their boss to change their job title to ‘waiter.’ You’ll have to wait in line though. You can be first after me.” —Utah

“Perhaps the best tax break would be a credit against payroll taxes for money invested in a Roth-like IRA in exchange for a future reduction in Social Security benefits. Employers would be eligible for the credit if they match the IRA contribution. This makes personal retirement investments available to the working poor and would be particularly beneficial to those just starting their careers. It is undeniable that Social Security and Medicare are major culprits in the federal deficit, but reducing future liabilities is just as important as cutting present deficit spending. Also, prudently invested IRAs expand the economy, thereby increasing tax revenue from other sources.” —Minnesota

“Trump is floating ideas that could have benefit if one also takes into consideration cleaning out the pork in the federal government, which he has also mentioned several times. He may have even better ideas by the time he takes office. At least he is capable of coherent thought. Maybe don’t make auto loans tax deductible, but lower the interest rate for those loans … or allow us to keep more of our paychecks so we can spend it as WE see fit? He is allowing us to see possibilities along with him, rather than telling us what we should see/think/do according to some unknown entities’ agenda.” —Montana

Re: Thursday: Below the Fold

“Let me see if I have this right: Biden gives Ukraine another $425 million, and forgives another $4.7 billion in student loans, but FEMA has no money to help Americans devastated by back-to-back hurricanes? Why aren’t those funds being diverted to help Americans who are suffering rather than going to our proxy war and our well-to-do collegians who took out loans they had no intention of repaying? I keep hearing Congress has the power of the purse, but it seems to concur with these giveaways.” —West Virginia

Re: Harris Offers Blacks Handouts and Weed

“Once states opened the floodgates via legalizing marijuana, that was the beginning of the end. I know people say it eases pain and such, and I know some who use it, but recreational use is stupid and the people who use it are dumbing themselves down. What is the best way to get control of people? Dumb them down with drugs! Make them think they are having a good time while damaging their brains. Pretty soon the government has complete control. What happens when you become an alcoholic? Eventually you destroy your liver and your brain and you die. In the case of marijuana, you destroy your brain. Why is America one of the biggest users of drugs? Cartels love America.” —Arizona

Re: Make America Great Again

“This article brought tears to my eyes. I remember what I call ‘My America.’ Mom would say, ‘Go out and play. Just be back when the street light comes on.’ It was a different America then. Dinner was served with everyone at the table. Conversation was about anything we wanted and we talked to each other. Those things do not happen anymore. Few gather at the dinner table, and if they do, all eyes are on electronic devices.” —Arizona

Re: A Time to Fight

“Mr. McGinn echoes the ideas and principles I and my brother have argued to those who would listen. Unfortunately, those have been despairingly few. People seem to want to vote based on personality or candidate promises alone. Regarding the future, people care about their safety and comfort but want to profess popular opinions on liberal treatment of illegal aliens, criminal justice, foreign affairs, and giveaways. They don’t want to reason out government actions to the poor conclusions.” —Kansas

Re: Voting Democrat Is Bad for Mental Health

“American leftism is a religious cult — an unholy syncretism of socialism, humanist licentiousness, and fascistic deification of the administrative state. Their religion requires them to be in charge of everybody else, ergo the prospect of people rejecting their opinions terrifies them. If the elections produce pathological mental symptoms, it is because the sufferers have dead and rotting spirits and are pursuing false gods (Ephesians 2:1-3, Romans 1:21-32).” —Minnesota

Re: The Welfare of the City

“These religious groups fall into the same trap as the leftist Democrats in seeking utopia. What does utopia on earth look like? The old Soviet Union with its gulags and prisons. They are just ignorant. They have never studied utopian societies. They would not know a gulag if they were trapped in one. They are like young girls on TikTok in their narcissistic worry. It is God who will decide their fate after they are dead. Wake up. Stop hiding in your church pews.” —California

Re: Profiles of Valor: CPL Tibor Rubin (USA)

“From Holocaust survivor to Medal of Honor recipient. This was just a remarkable story, a reminder of what it means when a legal immigrant honors the nation that is his new home.” —Texas