The Patriot Post® · The Harris-Cheney Team Up No One Was Waiting For

By Nate Jackson ·

“Kamala Harris is a radical liberal who would raise taxes, take away guns & health insurance, and explode the size and power of the federal gov’t. She wants to recreate America in the image of what’s happening on the streets of Portland & Seattle. We won’t give her the chance.”

That was Liz Cheney in 2019. In 2020, Cheney found Joe Biden’s choice of Harris as a running mate “surprising” because her “voting record in the Senate is to the left of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.” Later that year, she marveled that Harris “sounds just like Karl Marx.”

Once a Republican, Cheney’s Trump Derangement Syndrome has gotten the best of her. They say politics makes strange bedfellows, but she hates Donald Trump’s guts so much that she’s throwing out all of her supposed principles in favor of his Marxist radical opponent. Not only did she endorse Harris in September, she’s now stumping with her at a staged town hall.

Yes, staged.

“Are we going to be able to ask a question?” a woman asked before the Michigan town hall on Monday. “You’re not, unfortunately,” responded former California first lady and journalist Maria Shriver. “We have some pre, uh, determined questions.” There were just three audience questions.

I’m old enough to remember … well, also yesterday when the intrepid sleuths of the Leftmedia were screaming “Aha!” because they’d uncovered the carefully guarded secret that Donald Trump staged that work shift at McDonald’s. He set it up as a campaign stop, they discovered. He did not, in fact, take a job at McDonald’s and work a real shift.

Nothing gets by them.

As for staging things, of course Harris’s campaign did so with this town hall and likely others with the same participants in battleground states. She’s been a disaster when challenged. See Bret Baier for more.

Cheney, however, now thinks she’s just fantastic. Or at least palatable. She went right to an issue that increasingly divides Democrats and Republicans: abortion.

“I’m pro-life, and I have been very troubled, deeply troubled by what I have watched happen in so many states since Dobbs,” said the former Wyoming congresswoman. “I have been troubled by the extent to which you have women who — as the vice president said, in some cases have died — who can’t get medical treatment that they need because providers are worried about criminal liability.”

That’s a bald-faced lie. Cheney was obliquely referencing Amber Thurman, a single mother to a young son in Georgia who became pregnant with twins and died after taking abortion pills. As our Emmy Griffin explained last month, Thurman died because of the abortion industry, not because of Georgia’s pro-life laws.

Yet leftists have tirelessly peddled lies about Thurman’s death, and evidently, Cheney sees that lie as a reason to vote for the liar and the cultish devotee to killing unborn children. Cheney fretted over “fundamentally dangerous things” happening — not at abortion clinics, where two patients enter and only one comes out alive, but in pro-life states that are trying to protect “the least of these” who Democrats claim to care about.

As for Trump, “He’s been now trying to sort of be all over the place on this issue,” Cheney said. Yes, he has moderated on the issue, which is now a problem for Cheney, who [checks notes] wants moderation. “I think the bottom line on this, as on so many other issues, is you just can’t count on him,” she added. “You cannot trust him. We’ve seen the man that he is. We’ve seen the cruelty, and America deserves much better.”

Not the cruelty of exploiting young women facing crisis pregnancies who are sent home alone with a package of abortion pills to handle the passing of their child into the toilet without aid or comfort. Forget your anguish, these women are told. Suck it up and get out there in the street with your pro-abortion placard.

That’s not who Cheney cares about now, nor does any Democrat practitioner of the death cult. Instead, Cheney cares about Trump saying insensitive things and Republicans passing laws to protect children and women alike. Those are the “villains” she wants to stop.

Furthermore, “This position is incompatible with Cheney’s record,” notes National Review’s Charles C.W. Cooke. “In February 2021 — that’s just two and a half years ago — Cheney proudly co-sponsored a bill that sought to impose a national abortion ban from ‘the moment of fertilization.’ The bill was titled the ‘Life at Conception Act,’ and it sought ‘to implement equal protection under the 14th article of amendment to the Constitution for the right to life of each born and preborn human person.’” Trump Derangement Syndrome really is powerful.

Speaking of children, Cheney also offered this nugget of supposed wisdom: “If you wouldn’t hire somebody to babysit your kids, you shouldn’t make that guy the president of the United States.” She said this while sharing a stage with two prominent women whose husbands — Doug Emhoff and Arnold Schwarzenegger — had affairs and conceived children with the nanny.

Someone ought to intervene with Liz Cheney about her stunning lack of self-awareness.

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